The Mistery of Belicena Villca Candelaria , was the secret entrance to a Cavern that had been fitted out in ancient times by the white Atlanteans : it was one of the works that had to be preserved according to the commitment of the Blood Pact . Naturally then , after the cultural defeat of the Iberians , such commitment was forgotten and the Cave , hidden and lonely , remained abandoned for thousands of years . However , the purifying effects of the family mission that culminatied in the Reformation of the Cold Fire , caused its rediscovery , even though not all , nor in any moment , could penetrate in it : the reason was that the secret entrance was marked with the Vrunes of Navutan and only those of Pure Blood , those who were able to hear the Language of the Birds , managed to find it ; who did not meet these requirements could not discover it even being in front of her . Well , that Cavern had been chosen by the current Vrayas to keep the Wise Sword . A corridor of Tartessian warriors was formed to allow the departure from Tartessos of the Vrayas and save , at the last minute , the valuable inheritance of the white Atlanteans : many perished to consummate this heroic rescue , many who today are to be immortalized for their value , waiting in K ' Taagar the moment when they will return to their combat positions , when the Final Battle is fought on Earth . Thanks to their loyal dedication , the Vrayas , who at that time were the Queen of Tartessos and two princesses , were able to get to the secret entrance of the Cavern . In truth they were so closely pursued by Bera and Birsha that only a princess , wielding the Wise Sword , managed to go through the threshold , while the other two Vrayas were delayed to stop them . And this was where the terrible power of the Immortal Golen was seen because , even when the Vrayas faced them with their fearsome stone axes , they did not need to use any weapon to control them , except for their demonic arts . The Power of Illusion , in which they were Masters , was enough to immobilize and seize them . However , the Wise Sword was already safe in the Secret Cavern since for the Golen , who only possessed Soul but lacked Spirit , it would be impossible to understand the Vrunes of Navutan .
The family saga concludes this part of the story by narrating the spectacle observed by the Tartessian Hierophants when they made their way to the Secret Cavern , after setting fire to the Sacred Forest . Lying on the ground at the base of Cerro Candelaria , not far from the secret entrance that they had not managed to find , were the corpses of the Queen of Tartessos and the princess hideously mutilated : it was evident from that scene that Bera and Birsha subjected the brave Initiates to cruel torment with the purpose of forcing them to confess the key to the secret entrance ; and there was no doubt that they preferred to die with Honor before betraying the family mission and the Blood Pact ; had thus first resisted the magical pressure of the enchantment of the Golen , with Will of steel , and then to physical torture , to the Test of Pain . Then , surely when verifying the failure of their plans and fearing a confrontation with the Men of Stone , the Immortals rushed to assassinate them and set off for the White Island , not without leaving behind an unmistakable sign of their infernal presences : before leaving , they scalpelled the two corpses and they took all the hair , the two braids dyed with whitewash that the Vrayas , like all Initiates consecrated to Io-a , wore ankle-length . And with the blood that trickled from the naked skulls , they wrote in Phoenician language on a rock something like : the punishment for those who offend Yah will come from the Boar . Without a doubt , another of their damn prophecies .
Eleventh Day
Thus , dear Dr . Siegnagel , the Kingdom of Tartessos disappeared forever . General Barca again represented the Myth of the Argive Perseus , by cutting off Medusa ' s Head , and also that of Heracles Melkarth , by defeating the triple peoples of the Gerions . However , although there was no stone on stone left of Tartessos , the Sacred Forest was reduced to ashes , and the sculpture of Pyrene was demolished by order of Hamilcar Barca , the Golen prophecy was not fulfilled since the Stone of Venus , the unique Eye of the Vrayas , could not be