The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Seemed like a joke or not ? The answer can only be affirmative , and even more so if one takes into account the kind of rag in which it was published . However , nothing the ad claimed or proposed was foreign to the Hyperborean Wisdom : anyone who has read this book will agree with me . What made that text absurd and incredible was its reading outside the context of the Hyperborean Wisdom ; or in the context of synarchic journalism of the characteristics of Spot ' s or other similar rags . But it didn ' t escape me that such an effect would be deliberately sought by the Tyrodal Knights . To what end ? I didn ' t know , and didn ' t venture to imagine it : perhaps the ad was a password ; perhaps , indeed , it was destined to spiritual people endowed with a high degree of intuition .
Whatever the truth was , the fact was that I had no more option than to write to the mysterious PO box . I ' ve already done it , before writing this Hyperepilogue . And now I will wait for the answer , that will undoubtedly clarify all things . But , as I said at the beginning , I didn ' t want to conclude this book without giving the readers the same possibility that I have . It is also a way of compensating them for the tiring task of assimilating the elements of the Hyperborean Wisdom exposed here ; so that , whoever wants , and dares , can prolong that knowledge in Reality , which nevertheless is as illusory as the fiction in this book .
In short , intuition tells me that the PO box belongs to or communicates with the Tyrodal Knights Order . Everyone will be able to see for themselves , just as I will . And with this discovery , which is the last and only clue I got about the Order of Tyrodal Knights , I hereby conclude " The Mystery of Belicena Villca " and say goodbye to all readers with the desire that they have the courage to write and the necessary spirituality to deserve the response of the Order .
Dr . Arturo Siegnagel
Post Scriptum Córdoba , September 4 , 1987 .