The Mistery of Belicena Villca
HYPEREPILOGUE Córdoba , June 7 , 1981 .
To the reader of this book :
Truly , it was my intention to conclude " The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom ” on the previous page . In that moment I had nothing else to say . But today , a week later , something happened that threw new light on the problem at hand , that is , the location of the Order of Tyrodal Knights : I think I have finally obtained a sure clue . And I think it is my duty of Honor to share it with the reader , to offer him the same opportunity that I have now . But , before offering such information , I will explain succinctly what has happened to me yesterday . I was looking for an inner enlightenment , since the outer search was getting me nowhere . That is why I wrote this book ; and it was that when finishing it , already much more serene , I decided to test a way that I had not attempted . Yesterday afternoon , without any warning , I went to the house of Oskar Feil , Uncle Kurt ' s late friend , and who had first found the Tyrodal Knights Order . As I expected , his wife , a kind and nice woman of Italian nationality , ignored everything concerning the location of the Tyrodal Order . She assured me that Oskar died a natural death , but very happy for the spiritual satisfactions that he received in the last years .
He knew about the existence of the Order , and quite a bit more about Uncle Kurt ' s story , and she was surprised he hadn ' t mentioned her . I explained her that with Uncle Kurt we didn ' t have much time to talk , and that he had left many issues pending to which he would never give me an answer :
--But what happened to Kurt ? --she asked-- . Is he dead ? If so , I will tell you everything I know , which is not enough , much less than what you ' re looking for . Look , I know about you : I know that you ' re a nephew from Salta , son of his sister and an Argentine German . And do you know how I know ? Not for Kurt , that would never say anything , but for good old Oskar , who loved him like a brother and shared with me his whole story . That is why I will referr you what he did not say to you : I am Italian , that ' s obvious ; what is not so obvious is that I was a novice at the Monastery where Von Grossen and Oskar Feil had to take refuge for two years , after 1945 , with the later company of your Uncle Kurt . Well , Oskar and I fell in love , and when he came to Argentina , I soon followed him and got married with him in this country , where we have been very happy : we had a couple of children who are already going to the University . That is why I am surprised that he did not mention me , because your uncle knew me almost as much as Oskar . And what has happened to him ? Tell me with confidence ; has he had to flee from those terrible enemies that according to Oskar would never cease to seek for him until his death ?
--No Ma ' am --I clarified-- . Fortunately Uncle Kurt hasn ' t died , despite being true what you suppose : those " terrible enemies " at last they found him , and exterminated his entire family , which was also mine . That is to say , my whole family , my parents , my sister , nephews , and distant relatives , they were murdered a year ago ; but the killers failed to wipe us out . And for that reason , Uncle Kurt left more than a year ago , assuring that he would never return . Only I have remained , with the mission of finding the Tyrodal Knights .
--I ' m very sorry about what happened , because I knew how much he loved his sister Beatriz ! Precisely , he avoided his encounters with her for fear of compromising and unintentionally harming her .
I bit my lips when hearing that truth : Uncle Kurt protected her for 35 years and I delivered her in an instant into the hand of her executioners . The news of Mrs . Feil were not , on the other hand , very encouraging regarding the Order :
--I ' m afraid that I can do nothing for you , as it is very little what Oskar revealed to me about the Tyrodal Knights Order . Certainly he did notgive me any information about its members or the places of the meetings .
I looked at her , unable to hide my disappointment . My expression was comical for her , because she smiled and encouraged me to be hopeful : there was a possibility .
--Something we will do , Dr . Siegnagel ; it ' s the only thing in my hands ; and pray to your Gods for it to work . Oskar had a safety box at his desk where he kept the Order ' s things . Several times he recommended me that if " something " happened to him , and someone from the Order presented to