The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– You ' re crazy ! --he repeated , even more closed-minded-- . Didn ' t you realize last night the power of the Demon Bera ? We can do nothing against them . You have done very well in discouraging the policeman !
– Oh , mein Gott ! --I swore-- No Uncle Kurt ! I ' m not crazy ! It is you who are a bit too stubborn ! But you are going to listen to me . And you are going to allow me to present my idea ; die prüfen ? – la , la – he promised without conviction . – Then listen . My concept is that there are two irreducible planes , that now , due to an erroneous and subjective appreciation of reality , have interfered with or mixed . Such planes are : the Plane of the Reality of the Spirit ; and the Plane of Human Reality . Between both planes there cannot be relationships or connections , but unreasons : every connection or reason is illusory , not real . But there is also a law , which is the reason of the unreason , which protects and affirms the absolute reality of the planes . And this law , which upholds the reason of the unreason between such planes , is the only reference not to lose reason and get mad . This law of sanity demands : not to transgress the planes . Not to transfer to the plane of the Reality of the Spirit entities proper to the plane of the Human Reality ; and reciprocally : not projecting onto the plane of Reality Human ideas proper to the plane of the Reality of the Spirit .
In this demoniac issue of Bera and Birsha , my dear Uncle Kurt , it seems that the planes have been confused , that we no longer know what the plane is that ' s threatened by the Immortals . But I ' ll tell you Uncle Kurt . I will tell you so clearly that you will no longer be able to repeat that I am crazy but you will have to accept that I ' m too sane . That is , let us first observe the plane of the Reality of the Spirit : there the truth is the Origin , the Symbol of the Origin ; for that truth , for not being able to bear the weight of that truth , for denying or not bearing the presence of that truth , the Immortals are forced to manifest an archetypal monadic form , like the one you saw in The Pitch . The monad form , the unity of Light , allows them to exist powerfully outside the plane of Human Reality and avoid confronting the truth of the Origin , the Symbol of the Origin ; and that powerful form is surely the most dangerous one can imagine ; I agree that such danger is also real .
However , let us now go to the plane of Human Reality : there the truth is the Self , that is , the psychic and volitional manifestation of the Spirit chained to Matter . And the lie , the Illusion of Man , but also his soulish engine , is Pain . The Creator God is nourished by a force called human pain ; and man produces pain and suffering to feed the Creator of the Great Deception . The common man produces little pain because to suffer the illusion of pain it is required the wounded nobility of the Spirit . Hence Great Men , Great incarnated Spirits , are able to generate Great pains , Great sufferings , Great afflictions , Great anguishes : the hunger of God , of Jehovah-God , demands the contribution of pain from Great Men . And those men capable of the greatest suffering must also be capable of offering the greatest sacrifice : their pain must be sacred to God , to Jehovah-God . This requires the representatives of Jehovah-God , the Priests of Jehovah-God , Those with the power to consecrate the Great pain , for example , Bera and Birsha . Because it will always be necessary that in the plane of Human Reality exist Priests of God who consecrate the Great Pain of the Great Man , to the unity of God , of Jehovah-God . Only in this way will it be possible to sacrifice the Great Man so that his Great consecrated pain nourishes the unity of The One , of the Creator God Jehovah-God .
In short , Uncle Kurt , one thing is the Immortals faced with the plane of the Reality of the Spirit , where they have no choice but to manifest monadically , as a unit of Light , to avoid the truth of the Origin : just as happened to Bera with you , he had no alternative but to dress in the clothes of The One , that is , with his Monad of Light . You will object to me saying that manifestation also occurred on the plane of Human Reality , but I will reply that you are an atypical case , and you know it . You are like an accidented man , to whom an unusual wound exposes one of its most intimate bones ; those who contemplate it remain deeply impressed by perceiving an intimate reality , which habitually eludes any consideration : analogously , those who have contemplated the Sign of the Origin that you involuntarily exhibit , have been deeply impressed because they have sensed in the discovery the revelation of the other Reality , intimate and alien . In short , Uncle Kurt , your experience has no general value , it is proper of someone capable of exhibiting in the plane of the Reality of Man , signs of ideas originating in the World of the Spirit , proper of a Shivatulku , perhaps .
But in the field of ordinary human beings , like the uninitiated members of the House of Tharsis , like Mom and Katalina and Me , things happen according to the aforementioned law : pain must be consecrated and sacrificed to Jehovah God ; and for that we need Priests of flesh and blood . Thence that in all her letter , Belicena Villca always describes the Immortals as Diabolical Priests , have you understood me Uncle Kurt ?: for the Sacrifice of Pain must be officiated the Ritual of Death ; and , to officiate the Ritual of Death , sacrificing Priests are needed !