THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 528

The Mistery of Belicena Villca we are idiots . ( Druid is how you say it ? I think that ' s how Professor Ramírez named them ). Look , it is possible that I do not know what is a Druid . But I anticipate that I have just come from being six or seven hours with Professor Ramírez in which he insisted on showing me that a Druid is the same as a Jew , if I did not misunderstand his final synthesis . So , for the case it ' s the same , intellectual subtleties . I was right : Belicena Villca was liquidated by Jews , special Jews but Jews at last . And you were also right when you told me that the form of the murder , the modus operandi , was quasimasonic . Yes , you were right and I ignored you .
But now I will not make the same mistake as I have been thinking . I have reflected on what happened three months ago , your subsequent steps , and what happened here yesterday . And do you know what conclusion I have reached ? – I don ' t dare imagine it --I told him sincerely . – Well , the murder of your family constitutes a Ritual crime . – I can ' t deny it --I agreed , as the police officer deserved the confirmation to his conclusions . – And of the same class as Belicena Villca ' s , perhaps committed by the same killers ? – I couldn ' t prove it , but I ' m sure the answer is yes --I conceded . – That ' s better Dr . Siegnagel ! I already told you that I ' m not here as a cop but as a friend . I understand that for some reason you cannot report the truth and that is why I come to offer my help , mine and that of my nationalist Comrades . I have a task force ready to go into operation in any moment ! – he said , lowering the tone of voice to an inaudible level .
Although it seems incredible , I still did not understand what the officer Maidana was proposing me . – And what do you want to do ? --I asked him without disguise . – And you ask me Dr .? Help you against your enemies , who undoubtedly are our enemies , and are our country ' s enemies ! We offer you concrete help , men , weapons , equipment ! You only have to give us the names of the murderers , give us a clue , reveal to us what is their organization . Don ' t you want to avenge your family ? We will do it for you , or together with you .
I contemplated Maidana discouraged . How could I explain him the reality of Bera and Birsha ? Undoubtedly in the mind of the policeman there was no possibility that behind the murderers there was a supernatural cause . He did not concede real existence to the magical ; and in his opinion , the esoteric would be only a method of intelligence , aimed at achieving " psychological action " and " cultural penetration ". In short , officer Maidana , as a good veteran of the nationalist conspiracy , he only conceived enemies of flesh and blood , solid targets , Jews , Marxists , Masons , Zionists , or whatever , but enemies permeable to the artillery of various caliber and to trotyl .
– I thank you for your offer , Maidana . I thank you deeply because I know that it is honest and disinterested . But you can ' t help us and I can ' t give you any information . Believe me , it is better to leave things as they are . Now it is not about a mere intern of the shrink : it is about my family , Maidana ; of all my family . If you could help me , how would I not accept ? However now I am the one who wishes to leave things as they are . I know what I am saying .
– What do you mean , we can ' t help you ? --Maidana protested-- . Do you know what I think ?: that you are afraid ! I don ' t know who committed the crimes . But it is obvious that you know and do not want to share the secret . And why would you do such thing ? Well , because you assume that the enemy is too " powerful " for us clumsy South Americans . I understand ; You are a German and have a prejudice against Argentinian nationalism ; and maybe you ' re right , because a whole fauna of imbeciles and traitors have discredited us ; I can ' t answer for those charges . But you are wrong if you assume that it will always be the same ! We are in another time , and there are other men : our generation , Dr . Siegnagel , they will not be able to stop materially --he affirmed with firmness-- . We are many , we have ideals , and we are fed up with corruption and materialism ; the day is coming when we will give the synarchic forces a great national punishment . Trust in us and you won ' t regret it ! No enemy is too strong in our fatherland so that we cannot deliver it an unforgettable blow . Maybe we won ' t win him the war , but we can punish him partially , hurt his pride , break his arrogance , prevent him from tasting the triumph of his crimes ! What do you say , Dr .? Is it the Mossad ? The English MI5 ? The C . I . A .? What to answer Commissioner Maidana ? – I ' ll just tell you this , and only this : --I said-- if the Enemy were human , I ' m sure your help would be effective . Yes , Maidana : if the enemy were human I assure you that I would count on your support . This should be enough for you .
– But what are you saying ? --he asked in a mocking tone-- . I am surprised that you , a person whom I respect because of his sincerity , shows me that he resorts to a simple escapism to evade the threat of the assassins . You . are afraid and do not want to face the fact that sooner or later you