THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 526

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– And here comes the worst , Arturo : Mrs . Beatriz was held in such a way that as her throat was cut , the murderers managed to make her blood fall entirely on the winery ; to the last drop !
The Commissioner looked at us puzzled . He hoped to surprise us with that macabre data but we were not perturbed , since we imagined the Ritual maneuvers of Bera and Birsha and we discounted that their purpose would be to take advantage of the precious Pure Blood of the Von Sübermann to try to exterminate the entire Lineage , as they did in the XIII century with the House of Tharsis .
– On the other hand – said the Commissioner – I would like you to explain us something that intrigued us all . – Whatever you want to know , Commissioner . – It ' s about the winery ; what capacity does it have ? – Well ... if I remember correctly , about 20,000 liters --I replied . – And is it possible to know what the hell they filled it with Tar for ?
Chapter V
I was sitting on the sofa in the living room , dozing . I had ingested 3 mg of a tranquilizer and my nervous system was fairly sedated . It would be ten o ' clock at night and , between dreams , I heard Uncle Kurt speak in Arabic and German . But it was not a dream : at noon , Uncle Kurt requested an international call and they had just communicated it . Minutes later he came to me and shook me without contemplations .
– They are all dead , Arturo ! All of them ! You and I are the only Von Sübermann that have remained alive ! I looked at him through the brumes . He continued : – My uncles and cousins from Egypt , even some distant cousins who lived and studied in Europe , they all died this morning at 0.15 am !
Uncle Kurt did not raise his voice , but his gestures were eloquent : he was beside himself . I tried to calm him down , to transmit him my pharmacological tranquility , but I only managed to get nervous again ; Uncle Kurt ' s fury was contagious !
A few steps away , in the dining room where I saw my parents dead , two coffins lay on pairs of sawhorses ; crowns , flower palms , candle holders with lighted candles , and crosses , completed the ceremonial elements of the Catholic funeral . My father was known in that town since childhood and mother since 1938 , so the parade of neighbors and friends who wanted to give them the last goodbye was incessant . Many , belonging to the more humble people , but with whom we always counted for the rough work of the field , would stay the night .
Someone hired some professional weeping woman from La Merced , famous for the feeling and fervor that they imposed on their laments , who were dedicated in that moment to represent their role .
Terrible moment that , of impotence , of checking the way in which our enemies attacked us and of not being able to respond to the same extent . Surprisingly , the tough Uncle Kurt had finally sat down on another couch and at times he sobbed in sorrow . I should receive the condolences of the visitors , according to traditional custom , who before leaving left their names on a card , which assured them they would receive , within a period of no more than ten days , the postal gratitude . Customs , habits in practice since time immemorial , of which I could not escape without causing a great scandal .
At midnight the house was packed with people . Some neighbors were kind enough to prepare coffee and attend the acquaintances . Various groups of friends formed huddles to discuss the horrible crimes , and the most unusual rumors circulated by word of mouth from the superstitious indian and mestizo neighborhood . Uncle Kurt and I tried in vain to get the police to hand us over the bodies of Katalina and the children , fearing that in a few hours they would corrupt as it happened with the members of the House of Tharsis . But our effort was useless . The autopsy would not be completed until the next day . And , although the Police did not admit it , we knew the reason for that delay : the forensic Doctors were unable to establish the cause of the deaths . My sister and nephews were found in their rooms , on the top floor of the house , and presumably perished without learning of the gruesome murders that were being perpetrated outside ; they would have died , as the uninitiated members of the House of Tharsis , at the time when the power of the Dordje of Bera transformed the blood in the winery into Tar , that is , at 0.15 a . m . And obviously , this was not known to the forensic Doctors .
We resigned ourselves , then , to only watch over my parents , although we commissioned the funeral service company to periodically insist on the morgue and reclaim the pending bodies . A car stopped and descended a well-known person , but whom I would not have imagined seeing there : the officer Maidana , the policeman who intervened in the case of Belicena Villca ! Seeing me , he