The Mistery of Belicena Villca of the Goddess and those whom She would reward by taking as Spouses : by her Grace , by reviving , the Chosen One would no longer be a human being of flesh and blood but a Man of Immortal Stone , a Son of Death . These titles originally constituted an enigma for the Lords of Tharsis , who were the ones who introduced the Cold Fire Reform in the Ancient Cult of Belisana , as they claimed to have received by mystical inspiration directly from the Goddess , although they supposed that referred to a superior condition of man , close to the Gods or the Great Ancestors . But later , when among the Lords of Tharsis themselves , there were Men of Stone , the answer was suddenly clear . But it happened that this answer was not suitable for the sleeping man , nor for the Chosen who most fervently worshiped the Goddess : the Men of Stone would silence this secret , which they would only talk about among themselves , and would form a College of Tartessian Hierophants , to preserve it . From there on , they would be the Tartessian Hierophants , that is , my ancestors transmuted by the Cold Fire , those who would control the march of the Cult .
Eighth Day
In the Age when the Cold Fire Ritual was not celebrated , the Tartessian Hierophants allowed pilgrims to reach the Sacred Forest clearing and contemplate the colossal effigy of Pyrene ; there they could deposit their offerings and ponder if they were willing to face the Death of the Cold Fire or if they preferred to return to the illusory reality of their common lives . At the moment the Goddess could not harm them because Her Eyes were closed and to no one communicated Her Death Sign . But despite this conviction , many were frozen with horror in front of the Ancient Revealed Face and they weren ' t less those who fled on the spot or died there of terror . It ' s just that the original menhir had been planted on that site by the white Atlantean demigods thousands of years before , but , in the days of the covenant with the Lydians , there was no one on Earth capable of emulating that feat of transferring thousands of miles away a gigantic stone , and depositing it in the center of a thick forest of ash trees , without cutting down trees for it : it is understood , then , that pilgrims received the immediate impression that this terrible bust was the work of the Gods . But not only the menhir was the work of the Gods , since the conformation of the Face came from that remarkable ability to degrade the Divine that the Lydians exhibited ; cunningly , the Tartessians were always very careful not to inform about the origin of the disturbing sculpture .
Who managed to recover from the initial impression , and noticed the details of the unusual Face , had to appeal to all his forces in order not to be won , sooner or later , by panic . Remember , Dr ., that for Her worshipers , what was in front of them was not a mere representation of inert stone , but the Living Image of the Goddess : Pyrene was manifested in the Face and the Face participated in Her . And it was that hieratic Face that took the breath away . Probably , if someone had achieved , with a powerful act of abstraction , to separate the Face , from the Head of the Goddess , would have found beautiful features ; first of all , and despite the greenish coloration of the stone , from the shape of the features the belonging to the White Race was undoubted ; in following order , one might recognize in the general countenance an archetypal Indo-Germanic beauty or directly Aryan : rectangular Oval of the Face ; wide Forehead ; bushy , slightly curved and horizontal Eyebrows ; the Eyelids , since I already said that the Eyes remained closed , showed by the expression a frontal look , with round and perfect Eyes ; straight and proportionate Nose ; firm and prominent Chin ; strong and thin Neck ; and the Mouth , with the lower lip thicker and somewhat more protruding than the upper , it was perhaps the most beautiful note : it was slightly open and curved into a Smile barely sketched , in an unmistakable gesture of cosmic irony .
Naturally , someone who lacked the necessary power of abstraction , would not notice any of the indicated characters . On the contrary , without a doubt , all the attention would be sucked into the Goddess Hair right away ; and that first observation would surely neutralize the previous aesthetic judgment :