THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 489

The Mistery of Belicena Villca you the name of a contact that I will warn that you are under the protection of the Green Band . Remember that we can always get you out of China .
Fortunately , it was not necessary to resort again to the Secret Society of the Chinese underworld . While we waited for the Sergeant , Von Grossen interrogated the marine . He informed him that the Consulate was at the end of the French quarter , almost next to the Oang-Kin-Pan stream , surrounded by the branch offices of the few German companies that traded with Shanghai . He also told him that two German ships were anchored in the port , with departure planned for three and seven days later . The sergeant returned accompanied by a diplomatic secretary . – Please come in , Gentlemen --he ordered . The five of us entered a comfortable waiting room . – Have a seat , you will be attended immediately --he asked , and went out through a panel door , but not before taking a suspicious look at Bangi , Srivirya and the Daivas dog .
We had to wait for an hour , until at last the Secretary returned and drove us to the Consul ' s office . This was a career diplomat from Cologne , surely sent to Shanghai to take advantage of his native knowledge of French , and universitarian English . Impeccably dressed in black suit , he did not represent more than 40 years of age and appeared to be calm .
– Sorry for the delay , but I had to call Nanking . You cannot imagine how has the Ambassador , Baron Heinrich von Baden , protested for what he considers an intrusion of the R . S . H . A . in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs : he accepts no excuses for not having been informed about that secret mission " Key First ".
– But it is that the operation should not be performed in China but in Tibet --interrupted Von Grossen . Here we have come fleeing .
– Don ' t worry , Standartenführer : Von Baden always protests --the Consul calmed him down , smiling-- . Let me finish . The military aggregate was consulted , who confirmed that your names and ranks appear in the encrypted list of the SS . What he didn ' t know a word of , of course , was from Operation Key First . Therefore , a request for reports has been sent to Germany and we are waiting for the answer . As soon as the cable arrives , your situation will be resolved . – And how long can that take ? I asked irrationally . – How to know it ? If it is true that you are who you say you are , you will understand that Berlin can answer in an hour , in a day , or not answer and do something . In the case of the R . S . H . A . no one can anticipate its reaction . And keep in mind that I am not criticising because I am also from the
SS - - he cut himself short-- . Honorary SS Sturmbannführer : I obtained that degree in 1936 , thanks to the efforts of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs , Joachim von Ribbentrop .
– Very well ! Von Grossen approved .
– Yes . I am from the SS and that is why I will advise you what you will do from now on . If you remain here I will be obliged to take you into custody , which for you would be very annoying . Instead I will have you driven to a Hotel that is located at four hundred meters , where you will be comfortable until news come from Germany or Nanking . I ' ll tell the Ambassador that I couldn ' t detain you and that you are safe there anyway . You didn ' t have your real documents , but do you have other documents ? money ? It occurs to me that you must be provided with them , otherwise you would not have managed to cross China .
– Indeed , Sturmbannführer Kónsul : we have fake documentation and money . Good money , they told us , because it is also false , – confirmed Von Grossen sarcastically-- . We appreciate your advices , and we will follow them to the letter as they seem very sensible . After spending months exploring Asia we could not resist for an hour as prisoners .
– It is true that you told me you came from Bhutan . By God , what a trip ! And what were you fleeing from through China , can you tell ? from the Communists ?
I think , neffe , that the five of us thought in that moment of the Valley of the Immortal Demons , in the vîmâna of Shambhala , in the deadly hum , and we laughed out loud .
– Ha , ha , ha . From the Communists ? No Herr Kónsul : we fled from their Bosses --I answered with my eyes flooded with tears --Ha, ha , ha . But we cannot reveal you who they are : you wouldn ' t believe it !
Karl von Grossen nodded , laughing , a gesture that Oskar , Bangi , and Srivirya mimicked . The surprised Consul chose not to ask any more and made us accompany by the Secretary to the nearby Hotel .
Everything was solved in the following days . Strict orders came from Germany for us to be shipped immediately and without discussion . Seven days later we left on a cargo ship that would do in Macau the first of an endless series of commercial stopovers . However , the Captain reported that " somewhere in the Indian Ocean ", whose coordinates would be transmitted by radio , we would