THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 486

The Mistery of Belicena Villca whose destination was Tibet . The head of the Green Band spoke English very well , although he was not at all proud and preferred to express himself in Mandarin . It wasn ' t until very late in the meal we learned about it because he agreed to communicate in that language with Von Grossen . We spent like this , talking with that elderly man , gifted with a child ' s curiosity , all afternoon : when the philosophical and religious subject was exhausted , we naturally fell into the political question , that is to say , into reality . From there , followed several hours during which we tried to make him understand National Socialism and its Hyperborean essence . He had information , of course , but we provided all the details that he required .
At last , satisfied to hold a totally infrequent conference in those regions , --he assured us-- he prepared to reveal us how he was going to do to get us to Shanghai . But first he made us a reflection on the situation in his fatherland .
– Oh , Tsing 51 : what you tell me about your Führer , and his government supported by patriotic masses , bring to my Spirit dark thoughts about the future of China . The Führer has put before the Germans their heroic and glorious tradition , and they have accepted it with pride . Here , on the contrary , Mao-Tse-Tung indoctrinates the peasants with the theories of the Jews Marx , Engels , and Lenin , and teaches them to admire the Russians , a people who were savages when already China had a developed civilization . And on the other hand , Chiang Kai-Shek has turned out to be a " soft stone " 52 , for he has converted to Christianity denying our ancient traditions : perhaps if he had put , as your Führer , the Chinese Culture before the Chinese , they would have supported it massively . But instead he offers them the attractive and deceptive images of a foreign Culture . A Culture that belongs to those who even until yesterday exploited us like slaves . Mao and Chiang , both renegade Chinese , are dazzled by strange Gods , both present to the people their foreign ideals . And who do you think the Chinese will choose ? Those who will surely oppress us again , as they already did , or those who promise to do something for the people ? I do not want to respond prematurely to that transcendental question , but from now on I inform you that the people support to a greater extent Mao than Chiang , because Mao believes in the people and knows how to express that belief , while Chiang only believes in Jesus , England , and the United States .
Jesus ! There is another Jew , completely oblivious to the History and Tradition of China . But what curse is this , that has fallen on the Middle Kingdom 53 ? Was there no other option for China than the Jew Jesus or the Jew Marx ? None of us answered these dramatic questions , but I promised myself to send him the English edition of Mein Kampf , the Führer ' s book .
– I do not wish to overwhelm my guests with old man ' s laments – apologized Thien-ma – but you will realize that , despite constituting a “ criminal gang ”, as foreigners rate us , we the Greens deeply love China and care about its future . We anticipate that certain foreign forces , which we call Pai- Lung-Yah 54 , will try to kill the sleeping Chinese elephant , before it wakes up .
I will tell you how you will get to Shanghai . You must know that there is a Tao-Hey , or black route , through which the contraband circulates in both directions towards the Western Sea . It is almost official , since throughout its journey there are bribed officials , and it crosses the same Japanese lines , since neither the Nipponese are reluctant to earn extra yens . In two days departs from here a train that only goes as far as Cheng Chow . But You will descend before , in the Sian City , province of Shensi 55 . From there you will march South , crossing the Tsing-Ling Mountains 56 that separate the Yellow and Blue Rivers 57 , to the village of Han-Kiang , on the right bank of the Han-Kiang River . In that village you will make contact with our men , who will embark you on a transport that habitually carries contraband .
You will sail through the waters of the Han-Kiang and , at the confluence with the Yangtse-Kiang , you will take this one to Shanghai . As you can see , it is a very simple plan . – It does seem so --replied the meticulous Von Grossen . But let me ask you a few questions . He nodded in a Chinese gesture that consists of tilting the head forward .
51 Tsing : Doctor .
Kai-Shek means " hard stone ". Thien-ma ' s statement had an ironic sense .
53 Ch ’ in : Middle Kingdom .
Pai-Lung-Yah : the White Dragon Jehovah
55 Shen : pass , door ; Si : west ; Shensi : West Pass .
Tsing or Chin : middle ; Ling : mountains ; Tsing-Ling : Middle Mountains .
57 The Hoang-Ho and Yiangtse-Kiang Rivers .