THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 454

The Mistery of Belicena Villca at that time . And , remembering my childhood in Cairo , I mentally repeated , as my Comrades undoubtedly did : ... Germany , one day you will rise radiant Even if We have to die ! our Banners wave before Us , our Banners are of a Better Time , our Banners lead us to Eternity , yes , our Banners are superior to Death !
Yes , our banners were superior to Death itself ; and they unleashed Death on the enemies , as they had just verified the Lamas of the Turmeric Bonnet . We Germans unleashed Death because History summoned us to do so ; the Enemy of our banners would forever regret having nailed its vile claws into the fatherland . I remembered then the " Song of Alarm for the Germans " by Dietrich Eckart , that founding member of the Thulegesellschaft whom Konrad Tarstein told me about tirelessly , since he had also been one of Adolf Hitler ' s Initiators : Convocation , Call , Alarm , Alarm ! Released is the Serpent ! The Dragon of the Hells ! Stupidity and Lies broke their chains ; the Greed for Gold rests in a horrible seat ! Red , like Blood , the Sky is burning ; with a horrific fuss the Walls collapse . Blow after blow , also to the Sacred Altars ! The Dragon reduces them to rubble . Sound the Alarm now or never ! Germany wake up ! Convocation , Call , Alarm , Alarm ! Ring the bells in all the towers ! Ring so that the young , the men , the elderly , those who sleep , leave their rooms . Play for the mothers to leave their cradles , for the girls to come down the stairs . May the air rumble and resound strident , Let it roar ! Let it roar in the Thunder of Vengeance ! Ring for the dead to come out of their pits . Germany wake up ! Convocation , Call , Alarm , Alarm ! Ring the bells in all the towers ! Play until the sparks sprout . Judas comes to conquer the Reich . Play until the ropes turn red . Everything around is burning fire and Pain and Death . Let the earth rise under the Thunder of Saving Vengeance . Woe to the people that still sleeps ! Germany wake up !
History summoned the fittest to fight against Evil . And the most fit we were ! In a unique moment in history we had raised our Eternal Banners , as requested by Baldur Von Schirach . And so the Führer sounded the Alarm , as requested by Dietrich Eckart . Woe to the sleeping peoples , or given to Evil just like the Duskhas ! Woe to those who ignore the Sound of the Eternal Spirit ! They would suffer the wrath of the Awakened Sons of Germany !
What happened in Tibet was an example : five SS officers and eight Kâulika initiates , lamenting a single casualty , exterminated more than a thousand fierce enemies . One per thousand !: a fair proportion for the life of the fallen Initiate and Oskar Feil ' s , which they intended to take .
Our enemies , rather , the Enemy of our Banners , should definitely understand that We were not threatening in vain !