THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 364

The Mistery of Belicena Villca causality fails ” because the effect has no cause that originates it and , consequently , the existence of the effect ( phenomenon ) is denied to " save " the law of causality .
The best thing to do would be to accept the ignorance about the link ( the law ) that unites cause ( the patient ) and effect ( the displaced object ).
In Analytical Psychology , developed by C . G . Jung , it has been assayed a very attractive theory to overcome these difficulties and those that arise from the common case to men who , being culturally , geographically , and temporarily separated , without any verifiable link between them , have identical or analogous ideas . A " Synchrony Principle " would act here , unknown to Science , due to its incorrect understanding of Time .
It should be remembered , in this regard , what C . G . Jung says in " The Secret of the Golden Flower ”: “ A few years ago the then president of the British Anthropological Society asked me how could I explain that a people spiritually as high as the Chinese would have materialized no Science . I replied that that must very well be an optical illusion , for the Chinese had a " Science " whose Standard Work was precisely the I-Ching but that the principle of this Science , like so many other things in China , is completely different from our scientific principle . The science of the I-Ching , in fact , does not rest on the principle of causality , but on one , hitherto not named --because it has not arisen between us-- which I have designated by way of trial Synchronicity Principle . My explorations of the unconscious processes , had already forced me , for many years , to look around me in search of another explanatory principle , because that of causality seemed insufficient to me to explain certain remarkable phenomena of the psychology of the unconscious . I found indeed that there are parallel psychological phenomena that are not at all causally related with each other , but must be in another relationship of the event . This correlation seemed to me essentially given by the fact of the relative simultaneity , hence the expression synchronicity . It seems , in reality as if time were , not something less abstract , but rather a concrete continuum , containing qualities or fundamental conditions that can be manifested , with relative simultaneity , in different places , with a causally inexplicable parallelism as , for example , in cases of the simultaneous manifestation of identical thoughts , symbols or psychic states . Another example would be the simultaneity highlighted by R . Wilhelm of Chinese and European stylistic periods , which cannot be causally related to each other ”.
This was the thought of the prestigious psychiatrist C . G . Jung on the subject that occupied me . With his concepts , the appearance of two identical phenomena ( idea common to two people ), separated by space , will depend on a collective Archetype ( cause ) and the simultaneity ( synchrony ) of the phenomenal events .
To interpret the principle of synchrony , it is necessary to bear in mind a key concept of Analytical Psychology : that of the " Collective Unconscious ". This concept allows the Archetypes to be handled in a more real way , which are no longer static beings like Plato ' s Ideas but dynamic entities of powerful psychic strength , support and sustenance of the Myths that influence unconsciously in the conduct of man .
The concept of the Collective Unconscious has been summarized by Jung in the same work cited : “... just as the human body shows a general anatomy above and beyond all racial differences , also the psyche possesses a general substratum that transcends all differences of Culture and Consciousness , which I have designated as the Collective Unconscious . This unconscious psyche , common to all Humanity , does not consist merely in contents capable of reaching Consciousness , but in latent dispositions towards certain identical reactions . The fact of the collective Unconscious is simply the psychic expression of the identity , which transcends all racial differences , of the structure of the brain . On this basis is explained the analogy , and even the identity , of the mythical and symbolic themes , and the possibility of human understanding in general ".
It is now appropriate , accordingly , to extract an important conclusion : although Analytical Psychology allows us to interpret the synchronistic phenomena , no one has ever seriously claimed that it was possible to exercise some form of control over them . This class of phenomena , very showy or attractive to the profane , correspond to the lowest on a scale of valuation of the transcendent experience . As they are always presented in relationship to highly disturbed people , whether or not they are in the madhouse .
In general , people tend to believe that the discipline of organic or psychic functions grants a certain type of Power over the aforementioned phenomena . This belief waters its thirst from two sources : the ignorance ( naive ) and the disinformation ( product of the Synarchical Strategy ). There is ignorance in popular belief that the " miracles " that often accompany the activities of Saints and Great Mystics are performed thanks to a " Power " that they would have or would have been bestowed