The Mistery of Belicena Villca Whoever cultivates the land , without previously occupying and enclosing it , and feels its owner or wants to be , would be engulfed by the regional context and would experience the illusion of belonging to it . The property implies a double relationship , reciprocal and inevitable : the property belongs to the owner as much as he belongs to the property ; its clear : there could be no tenure without a prior ownership of the property to be appropriated . But the one who felt belonging to the land would be unguarded in the face of the Power of Illusion of the Enemy : he would not behave like a foreigner on Earth ; like the spiritual man that cultivates in the strategic enclosure , for he would root and love the earth ; he would believe in peace and long for that illusion ; he would feel part of nature and he would accept that the whole is the Work of the Gods ; he would dwarf himself in his lar and would be amazed at the greatness of Creation , which surrounds him on all sides ; he would never conceive a way out of Creation : rather , such an idea would plunge him into a nameless terror because in it he would intuit an abominable heresy , an insubordination to the Creator ' s Will that could lead to unpredictable punishments ; he would submit to Destiny , to the Will of the Gods that decide it , and he would worship them to win his favor or to appease their anger ; he would be softened by fear and would have no strength , no longer to oppose the Gods , nor even to fight against the animal and animic part of himself , but also for the Spirit to dominate the Soul and transform into the Lord of Himself ; in the end , he would believe in the ownership of the land but he would belong to the Earth , and would comply verbatim with the provisions of the Enemy Strategy .
The principle of the Wall was the factual application of the principle of the Enclosure , its actual projection . According to the Lithic Wisdom of the white Atlanteans , there were many Worlds in which the Spirit was imprisoned and in each one of them the principle of the Wall demanded different concretion : in the physical world , its correct application led to the Stone Wall , the most effective strategic enclosure against any pressure from the Enemy . That is why the native peoples who were going to fulfill the mission , and participated in the Blood Pact , were instructed by the white Atlanteans in the construction of stone walls as a fundamental ingredient of their way of life : all those who occupy a land to practice cultivation , in order to support the site of a work of the white Atlanteans also had to build stone walls . The erection of the walls did not depend only on the characteristics of the occupied land but in its construction had to intervene secret principles of the Lithic Wisdom , principles of the Essential War Strategy , principles that only Initiates in the Mystery of Pure Blood , the Wise Warriors , could know . The reason for this condition will be better understood if I say that the white Atlanteans advised “ to look with one eye towards the wall and with the other towards the Origin ”, which would only be possible if the wall was referred in some way towards the Origin .
The principle to establish the filiation of a people allied with the Atlanteans consists in the opposition between Cult and Wisdom : but what are the factual evidences , the concrete evidences , that is , that which is most evident to determine if it is Cult or Wisdom ? In any case , it is necessary to observe if the Temple or the War Wall exists : because the practice of a Cult is indissolubly associated with the existence of a corresponding Temple : the Temple is the factual foundation of the Cult , its material extreme ; and because the practice of Wisdom is inextricably associated with the existence of a Strategic Wall : The War Wall is the factual foundation of the strategic life , its material seat . This principle explains the fact that White Fraternity has sustained on Earth , in all historical times , Communities and Secret Orders specialized in the construction of Temples , those that would collaborate closely with the Priests of the Cultural Pact ; and also explains the fact that the Lords of Agartha sustain , through History , the Orders of Builders of Stone Walls , Orders exclusively composed of the white descendants of the white Atlanteans , who master the Lithic Wisdom and the Strategy of the Essential War .