THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 288

The Mistery of Belicena Villca confused , nor sinned , nor fallen . We had never even moved . Oh , Nimrod ! As the entirety of the Great Deception dissipated , I was certain that we would not have to go back because we were there without knowing it . We have conquered the Freedom of the Spirit , Brave Nimrod ! And the absolute possibility of being our own creation , of being the womb of our own birth . It is the Will of the Incognizable , Divine Nimrod , that we can do it all !
Princess Isa spoke the last words , accompanying the final sigh of the Hyperborean King : --He already possessed the Secret of the Return when he descended from the hawthorn , when I saw you at the entrance to the infamous initiatory cavern , but it was good to give proof of the purity achieved by the lineage of Kus that the Final Battle between the Kassites of Nimrod and the Demons of Chang Shambhala will be fought . So that the racial memory of the men still in chains may endure the memory of this feat and is evoked at the end of the Age of the Fish , when the Thirteen Gods recover the Crown of Lucifer and definitely awaken the Hyperborean peoples . Then Chang Shambhala will fall with its Demons , and in an endless Holocaust of Fire will succumb the cursed work of the Demiurge Jehovah Satan .
Nimrod lay dead on Chang Shambhala . Next to him , with a grimace of unspeakable horror on his contorted face , was the corpse of the Nephilim Kokabiel , who had been a Master of Sorcerers and Magicians . His Science had turned out useless in the face of the tenacious decision of the pure Kassites and this failure showed that for man , transmuted into Man of Stone , it is always possible to fight against the Demons and win . Of course that spiritual victory can be also a defeat , if it is measured with the rod of the animal man . Because , in fact , it is considered as “ defeat ” any victory that does not entail a material success verifiable with the moral standards of the “ synarchized ” societies . For the morality of a society is a function of its Culture and , it has already been seen , " Culture is a strategic weapon " for the Synarchy . That ' s why those who fight against the satanic forces , the awakened men , will always be branded as " defeated ". And that is why the Great Being that illuminates the Inner Path of men , Kristos Lucifer , is called the God of the Losers : because all his followers always " lose " during the Kaly Yuga .
Thus lay Nimrod , the Defeated , dead on Chang Shambhala . His braves Kassites had been completely exterminated in a vast area of the Cursed City , as far as their warrior fury led them . In the reverberating light of the last fires could be seen the frightful ossuary into which they became the Temples and courtyards . The first Palace , called " Mansion of the Manus ", where the annals of the Root Races were deposited and which was used by the Masters of Wisdom to train their envoys , was reduced to ashes . A huge Monastery and several shrines dedicated to " minor deities ", always destined to train " envoys " or to deceive them tactically , also suffered the effects of fire . Compared to these important losses , the resistance offered by the Demons had been minimal . Only the vile Kokabiel and the Chinese Master who used the Dordje risked their skins , merely sending legions of Hiwa Anakim giants and Sheidim dwarves against the Kassite warriors . As it would be said now , they used a " tactical mass " composed of " robots " or " androids ". The thing is that they cannot risk their lives as they are very few . Millions of years ago there were two hundred . Nimrod killed one ... Surely it is hard to believe that so few are capable of so much . But it must be thought that They have the " support " of thousands of " Masters ", that is of animal men " Initiates ", Souls of superior evolutionary degree , and they count with the strategic control of the planetary consciousness .
That interminable " noon " remained unchanged throughout the entire Battle of Nimrod and its approximate extension can be considered as about twelve hours . At the time when the Kassite King expired and the fight was extinguished at Chang Shambhala , the last prodigy shook Borsippa . They had already gone up to Heaven all the available warriors , more than four thousand , including some visitors , and the city looked strange then . With that crowd composed mostly of women and children who did not stop shouting , their protests overlapping against a background of warrior music played by the Cainite Initiates . And that imposing tower , standing up to Heaven in open