The Mistery of Belicena Villca Council of the Church to issue on the case : in less than a month , and with the approval of the Sacred College , Cardinals Jacopo and Pietro are excommunicated and deposed , as well as Giovanni Colonna and his sons , Agapito , Giacomo Sciarra and Stefano . In addition to separating them from the Church and Christianity , in the bull it is ordered to confiscate their assets , properties and titles . Naturally , the Colonna resist and Boniface responds by publishing a Crusade : who participate in it , will obtain the same dispensations as if they had gone to Holy Land .
As the crusaders pass , the Ghibelline massacres are renewed throughout Italy . The Castle of Sciarra , in Palestrina , is taken and , by order of Boniface , reduced to rubble , the earth plowed and covered with salt . Sciarra and the rest of the Colonna must flee to France , completely ruined . Shortly after it ' s the Spiritual Franciscans ' turn : according to another bull , the Holy Office found their doctrines heretical and ordered the dissolution of the Order .
Thirty-Ninth Day
Only in 1299 would Philip the Fair succeed in ending the war with England . The truce agreed by Benedetto Gaetani unfolded morosely without the nations in conflict yielding their intentions to resume the contest . Finally , by the Treaty of Montreuil , it was put to an end thanks to the conditions of the time : Edward I , King of England , would marry Margaret , sister of Philip IV , while Edward II , son of the Englishman , was engaged to Isabella , a four-year-old girl who was the only daughter of the French ; Isabella would carry the Duchy of Guyenne as her dowry , but the English would not set foot on French territory for the moment . The following year , Philip occupies the County of Flanders with his troops and closes the strategic Enclosure .
It is the year 1300 , then , when Philip the Fair completes the two first steps of the strategic way of life from the Royal Function : he has carried out the principle of the Occupation of the territory of the Kingdom and has applied the principle of the Enclosure ; and the fields are prepared for the rational exploitation of the Agriculture and Livestock . The Hyperborean Strategy then reaches its highest degree of development and there is almost no power on Earth capable of opposing the King of the Blood and the Mystic Nation . The time of the charismatic State has come , in which King and people are one Voice and one Will . The arrest of the Bishop of Pamiers , which will trigger the last reaction of Boniface VIII , will clearly show the real existence of the charismatic State .
Bernard de Saisset , Bishop of Pamiers was actually a Golen spy . He had been entrusted with the mission of investigating in the Languedoc the existence of a Secret Society to which they allegedly belong the advisors of Philip the Fair . After patient work , he came to an astonishing conclusion : “ Indeed , there was an impious conspiracy against the Golen Church ; in it , converged the Cathars , reappearing surprisingly organized , the Spiritual Franciscans , recently excommunicated , and some members of the Order of Preachers , especially Spanish ; the disputes between inquisitors and heretics were clearly simulated , and it was easily noticed that behind the plot was the hand of Philip the Fair , who protected personally all the accused ”. Before being discovered by the Lords of the Dog , and arrested and charged with High Treason , the Bishop of Pamiers managed to send his report to Boniface VIII who demanded from the King of France his immediate release . This was not possible without running the risk that more details would be known about the Domini Canis , so he was formally accused of being involved in a seditious plan at the service of the Crown of Aragón . He was going to be tried by a civil court , which was in total contradiction with the Canon law , which prohibited bishops from appearing in secular courts .
The need to count with the Bishop of Pamiers to obtain testimony against Philip the Fair , and the challenge it meant at the time the civil prosecution of a Bishop , caused the wrath of Boniface VIII . HIs answer would be the bull Ausculta fili , dispatched to France in December 1301 , together with others of