THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 11

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The second element was the evidence that something sinister and irrational was installed irresistibly among us . It was a rope of a meter long ; apparently constructed of human hair , braided and dyed . But the unusual was represented by the two gold medals , one in each extreme , spinning madly in two little gold cones . The medals themselves were the most absurd of the whole : identical in their shapes of the Star of David , they were different , however , in its engravings and inscriptions . One of them had chiseled in relief a four-leaf clover carved on the central hexagon ; the other showed a fruit that undoubtedly corresponded to the pomegranate .
I found them similar to certain masonic jewels that I saw in a Rotary Club exhibition ; but the familiarity ended as soon as I remembered and reasoned that the only point of similarity between these and those was the Star of David that , as everyone knows , is made up of two equilateral triangles intertwined . It is a symbol adopted for millennia by the Hebrew people to identify themselves , as can be verified today by seeing it on the flag of the State of Israel .
The backs of the medals bore inscriptions . But these , far from clarifying anything , increased our confusion as they were written in two different languages . A phrase , engraved horizontally in the center , was written in Hebrew characters , although such signs were not the same in each medal . Surrounding these words was another inscription in Latin letters , this time identical for both jewels . At that time no one could clarify to which language they belonged : " ada aes sidhe draoi mac hwch ".
. וחבחclover ; and in the בונח The Hebrew words , for their part , said ; in the grenade
As will be understood , this curious jeweled rope gave all the feeling of being something of ceremonial or religious use , an attribute that official Maidana immediately perceived , as when examining it he could not avoid a gesture of disgust and an exclamation : " Yuck , this is something Jewish !"
Chapter III
I know that many powerful people in our country consider that every correct police officer must absolutely profess the " nationalist ideology "; and I also know that this indefinable ideology is opposed to the great internationalisms such as marxism , freemasonry , zionism , the multinational corporations , etc ., and even the foreign policy of the imperialist powers . In the nationalist ideology it is a common belief that all these vast organizations converge on a dome of power , situated somewhere in the world , a truly Secret Government they call " International Sinarchy ".
The Synarchy would have developed a Strategy whose execution must lead to the formation of a World Government that would rule over all Nations of Earth . The differences and contradictions observed between the large organizations mentioned would be tactical and purely exterior ; at the vertices of power they would all coincide and the general efforts would be aimed at fulfilling the Synarchic Strategy .
In the nationalist ideology it has been dogma , for a century , that the Synarchy has been founded by the Jews with the claim to ensure the dominion of the World and thus fulfill prophecies emanating from the Bible and commandments of the Talmud . That is why the nationalists who hold these ideas tend to hate Jews ardently .
I was not surprised , then , by Officer Maidana ' s anti-Jewish exclamation ; but , understanding that it was a hasty impression , I tried to make him understand that to attribute a Jewish origin to the murderous rope , just because medals were shaped like the Star of David , was risky , to say the least : indeed , such a symbol is also used by other religions or sects such as the Freemasonry , Theosophy , the Rosicrucians , the Christian Churches , etc . In addition , I said , there was the grenade and the clover constituting a strange combination ; and the indecipherable inscriptions ? And the tie of dyed hair ? No . It wouldn ' t be so easy to rate the whole .
Incredibly , something was missing in Belicena Villca ' s cell : the portfolio with all her writings . The police , upon learning of its content , and regarding it as absolutely worthless , immediately dismissed a possible abduction and strictly refused to link it to the motive for the crime : rather , they tried to persuade us that the portfolio might have ended up in the hospital incinerator , either by accident or retaliation by some nurse annoyed by the excessive zeal with which the sick woman cared for it .