The Mynd Field Jan 2013 | Page 8

hypno weight loss


By Richard Scott

Main symptoms


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Sale quodsi duo ea

Vel illum honestatis

Complectitur cu pri iriure persequeris

Eu ius bonorum torquatos

Ulputet veros dolor eriustin utpat.

People use hypnotherapy to tackle a huge range

of problems. Here are a few of the most common.

Everyone knows that a healthy diet and plenty of exercise is recommended for a healthy lifestyle. However if you’ve tried every diet available and have found they simply don’t work for you, it may be because diets do not address the root cause of why individuals overeat.

Clinical hypnotherapy can help with a vast range of symptoms:


Alcohol Abuse

Anger Management


Blushing Depression

Eating Disorders

Exam Nerves

Fear of Flying


IBS - Irritable Bowel

Low Self Confidence

Low Self Esteem

Obssession and Compulsion

Panic Attacks


Public Speaking