954 Villa Street History
By Candace Bowers & Nick Perry MVHA President & Vice President
Like the historic Weilheimer House next door , the building housing the Tied House Brewery at 954 Villa Street faces demolition . The MVHA has combed through our records to provide the following timeline of the building ’ s history in anticipation of upcoming discussions on its future .
* MVRL denotes Mountain View Register-Leader newspaper
1931 July 31 ( MVRL ) Two-page spread on the opening of the Air Base Laundry ; George Lacoste , owner ; designed and built by Carl Lindholm & Sons , general contractors and builders .
A rendering of the Air Base Laundry appeared on the front page of the 1931 Mountain View Register-Leader
1935 Dec . 27 ( MVRL ): Air Base Laundry changes name to Band Box Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company . Walter Doust , proprietor
1938 Dec . 8 ( MVRL ): Band Box bought by Dan Harris ; name changed to Fremont Laundry ( name was picked in a contest ; winner won $ 10 )
1962 Jan . 24 ( MV Herald ): Fremont Laundry opens a new building at 990 Villa .
1968 City Directory : Listed as the location of Meyer Electric
1978 City Directory : Listed as the location of the Light Station , lighting and décor
1988 Peninsula Times Tribune article about the opening of the Tied House ; mentions the City owns the building and land , and Tied House will lease the property with the option to buy .
2003 Historic Resource Survey completed by Carey & Company finds the building is “ historically significant for its direct association with the 20th century development of Mountain View ’ s downtown and for its architectural distinction as an excellent example of a Spanish Eclectic style commercial building .”
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BBQ TICKETS To order your tickets for our Aug . 20 BBQ , fill out the form below and mail it and a check by Friday , August 11 to our P . O . Box ( address above ). Each ticket gets you one Parisian burger with a side of tots ( aka “ super fries ”), prepared by the Gold Rush Eatery . You can also purchase tickets online at : http :// mvhistory . eventbrite . com /
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