October 2017– THE MOTIVATOR – Page 13
TOP 10 –
Continued from page 9
decidedly quirky--that define my forty-
six years of life. Sitting there, I knew
that despite the cancer, I truly believed
I was a lucky man because I had lived
out these dreams.”
5. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
This book is
what you
might call
inspiration." It
explains why
and stress-
elements of
your life aren't
important and
can safely be, if not ignored, at least
handled without much effort. By laying
out a way to deal with the trivialities of
life, Richard Carlson has probably set
more inspiration free than any author
who's addressed the subject matter
Best quote: "When you learn the
habit of responding to life with more
ease, problems that seemed
'insurmoutable' will begin to seem
more manageable.”
4. The Secret
Rhonda Byrne believes that "like
attracts like" and
that therefore the
results that you
get in life are
simply a
reflection of the
quality of your
thinking. If you
have positive
wonderful things
happen, but
negative thought
propel your life down the metaphorical
toilet. To be honest, this particular book
is a trifle "new age" for my taste, but so
many people suggested it to me, I felt
that I had to include it.
Best quote: "The truth is that the
universe has been answering you all of
your life, but you cannot receive the
answers unless
you are
3. The Power
of Full
metaphors are
common in
business (e.g.
"let's hit a
home run,
people") but
this book is something different: a
method to manage your energy rather
than your time. Jim Loehr and Tony
Schwartz take the most recent methods
of successful sports coaching and
explain how you can "train" to be more
successful by learning how to get into
the zone where every decision tends to
be the right one.
Best quote: "The performance
demands that most people face in their
everyday work environments dwarf
those of any professional athletes we
have ever trained.”
2. As a Man
My first
mentor gave
me a portable
copy of this
book not long
after I set out
to be an
writer. He was
concerned that,
after years of
corporate life, I
might have
"absorbed" the sense of helplessness
that comes from being a cog in a huge
machine. In this book, James Allen
forces you to confront the beliefs and
thoughts that are either making you
miserable or happy.
Best quote: "As the plant springs
from, and could not be without, the
seed, so every act of man springs from
the hidden seeds of thought, and could
not have appeared without them.”
1. Phoenix
By Spence
According to
the Feng Shui
The Phoenix is
a mythical bird
that never
dies. It flies far
ahead to the
front, always
scanning the
landscape and distant space. It
represents our capacity for vision, for
collecting sensory information about
our environment and the events
unfolding within it. The Phoenix with
its great beauty creates intense
excitement and deathless inspiration.”