The Monthly Roll - Tampa Bay December 2013 - v1i2 | Page 4
Community Tampa Bay’s Pinellas County Schools Partnership
Community Tampa Bay and Pinellas County Schools continue to work together in successful partnership so far
this school year. Through the ANYTOWN™ program, the District-Wide Youth Leadership Conferences, schoolspecific Youth Conferences, and an on-going middle school PMAC class, we are continuing to cultivate leaders
to change their communities around the county together.
We welcomed 58 Pinellas delegates to our 2013 residential ANYTOWN™ sessions this summer. We are proud
to report we had representation from all public high schools except one, including three middle schools and
an exceptional education school. All ANYTOWN™ graduates are invited to continue their involvement with
Community Tampa Bay for a year (and beyond!) through a series of skill-building trainings, an ongoing youth
group which plans youth summits open to the public, and opportunities to host Youth Conferences and Unity
Days at their high schools. Throughout this school year, it is our goal to visit 100% of Pinellas high schools with
Anytowners this year at least once to both cultivate our past ANYTOWN™ graduates and outreach for new
2014 delegates!
The High School District-Wide Youth Leadership Conference just concluded on October 22 at Coachman
Service Center in Clearwater. The day was centered around facilitating dialogue and cross-cultural interactions
at school, and brought together almost 100 students from 13 high schools, including 11 ANYTOWN™
graduates. Eighteen adult partners and PMAC liaisons were also in attendance, sharing best practices and
gaining new tools, in addition to eight Community Tampa Bay staff and volunteers present.
“We are an organization that
helps educate youth on real
world issues and build and
develop nondiscriminatory
leaders to help usher in a new
age of progressive thinkers.” –
2013 ANYTOWN™ Volunteer
How can YOU get involved?
• Invite Community Tampa Bay to come speak to your rising 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade students about
ANYTOWN™. We would love to visit your lunch times, classes, or club meetings! We guarantee an engaging
presentation for your young people
• Schedule a full-day or half-day Youth Conference at your school. Conference costs range from $850 $1700. However, we ]?HH?]?[Z]Y?X?\?]?Z[X?H?????\?[??\???YH?????[?\???????\?[?\??????]?HH??S?U???(??YX]\???H??[?H??]?\?[?H??[?\?YX?][??\?Z\??[???]??YH???[[Z[??H??X?\???H?X?H][?K???(??X??[Y[??Y[???][?S?U???(????H[?\??????PP?H]??[?HH?X[H??YH?YH?]?HH[Y?][????H]?\?H[?[\?Y?????XX?YX\??????X??\?Z