the Monster Slayer Chronicles May 2015 | Page 2

2 | the Monster Slayer Chronicles April 2015

May President’s Letter

It pains me to admit but I, your humble president, cannot do everything myself. The faction officers help keep LoMS working. They volunteer precious free time for us. I don’t want to get all sentimental and stuff, but this being president-thing would be a lot scarier if I didn’t have awesome people being awesome officers.

I’d like to welcome our two newest officers: JCool (L) and Trainzman (T).

Trainzman started playing TSW on August 29, 2012 and joined LoMS on September 7, 2012.

How did he find us? He was playing the game with Tharpe and Tharpe was the one to actually stumble across LoMS via Google.

Best LoMS experience/memory?

“All of it really, great group of people from across the world that are mature in attitude and not just age, nothing is a bother if you ask for help when you're stuck on a quest or need help taking you through the harder quests or helping you through your Nightmares to get your Curio and jackets.“

JCool started playing TSW April 10th, 2013. “I am 2 years old! Woot! It is my birthday!” He reports that his “secretary” researched the forums for an appealing cabal. LoMS was the obvious choice. He joined right away.

Best LoMS experience/memory?

“Over the last two years there are too many to count. Whether it is rolling in laughter over a conversation in Teamspeak or spending 3 hours in my first HF with the promise of a Karma Curio to keep me going! I would have to say one of the greatest things about being a LoMS member is the deep pool of talent. Most of my achievements are a direct result of learning from better players that came before me.”

And a refresher with the other officers:

Dragon Officers: Beecher, MadLyric, Ribara

Illuminati: Alziz, Iecta, JCool

Templar: Fleta, Mikunawa, Trainzman

In the spirit of this month’s screenshot contest and outgoing officer Avenal’s birthday: May the Force be with you!

- Beecher