The Money Tree Magazine 1st Issue | Page 27

Disadvantages • It is quite a complex currency, which requires some getting used to and learning at first, especially for non tech-geeks. • There is some uncertainty as this is the first widely accepted virtual currency of its kind and hence has no guarantees. The currency is only as strong as the system through which it operates and the confidence the users have in the product. • The anonymity has also allowed a number of illegal transactions to take place, especially on the “deep-web”. Cases have included crimes such as the ordering of illegal substances and the hiring of a hit-man. • Still not widely acceptable. CAN I MAKE A DOLLAR TRADING THIS THING? The value of a Bitcoin is extremely volatile and is affected substantially and, in some cases, arbitrarily by global economic and political events. Starting out in early 2009 with virtually no value, to setting a benchmark value of $1 a few months later, Bitcoin made waves when it hit $100 at the time of the Cyprian crisis. It then crashed to about $2 and recently rallied to $1,200. There are many who believe this is nothing more than a speculative bubble that is likely to burst anytime between next week, next year or five years from now. In addition, there is no way to conduct any form of reliable fundamental analysis; there is no residual value or physical value in the tender. Its value is derived purely from speculation and the acceptance of this currency globally. Some even compare it to “tulipmania” (see sidebar). LOOKING FORWARD Bitcoin is still in an evolutionary stage, or perhaps part of an evolution of the global payment system. There is no sound method of valuating this currency or predicting its movements. It is extremely volatile and, in my opinion, illiquid – which makes it dangerous. The fact that Bitcoin has taken off and accrued value is amazing; however, no single entity seems to be able to understand it entirely. Maybe you can make sense of its virtual currency and let the rest of the world know how it is going to perform in future, or if it even has a future. TULIPMANIA Tulipmania was the first major financial bubble. In 1637, investors began to madly purchase tulips, pushing their prices to unprecedented highs; the average price of a single flower exceeded the annual income of a skilled worker. Tulips sold for over 4,000 florins, the currency of the Netherlands at the time. As prices drastically collapsed over the course of a week, many tulip holders instantly went bankrupt. Investopedia says: Tulipmania reflects the general cycle of a bubble: investors lose track of rational expectations, psychological biases lead to a massive upswing in the price of an asset or sector, a positive-feedback cycle continues to inflate prices, investors realize that they are merely holding a tulip that they sold their houses for, prices collapse due to a massive sell off and many go bankrupt. A similar cycle was witnessed during the dotcom bubble. market price SOURCE: http:// market price (usd) 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 250 0 January 2009 - September 2013 Source: 500 1. Read the European Central Bank 2012 report, “Virtual Currency Scheme” 2. Watch a quick tutorial on BitCoin 1 2 25