The Money Tree Magazine 1st Issue | Page 18

advice Ask the elder Elder Tree: a genus, Sambucus, of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae. Ornamental varieties are grown in gardens for their showy flowers, fruits and lacy foliage. STUDENT HOUSING Dear Mr Money Tree, I am paying through my ears for my apartment. My landlord (should I call him slumlord?) owns half of our street close to campus, and we are squeezed very tightly for rentals. When something breaks down, he takes forever to fix it. My housemates and I have been talking about using our money to buy our own place instead of making him rich. Do you think it’s a good idea? Andrew, UCT Dear Andrew, A wise real estate agent once told me “the dear Lordie ain’t making no more of this stuff.” It was his way of saying that there will always be more demand than supply when it gets to real estate, and that in the long run, prices will always go up. So, yes, in principle, it is always a good investment. But, there are risks. Things break and need maintenance. One bad tenant’s lost rental can set all your investment projections back. Keep an open mind to these risks and also consider hidden costs like insurances and rates and taxes. The next step is to get financing. As students, without fixed income, you will need someone to act as guarantor for your mortgage loan. If all else fails, look at investing in socalled REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts) where you can trade in and out of the property market very quickly. That may be your best alternative. Mr Money Tree GOOD GIRLS GO WHERE? Dear Mr Money Tree We sat next to each other in class for months and then struck up a conversation at our church picnic. She is obviously just as shy as I am, but once we break the ice, we can talk up a storm. My problem is that I feel incredibly physically attracted to her. We are both 18 and I suppose we are legally entitled to have sex, but she claims on the one hand that she wants to marry as a virgin, yet on the other hand, she plays along when I try to make my moves. I find this all very confusing. How do I get her to have sex with me in a way where she does not hate herself or me the next day? Xolile, NMU Hi Xolile, What you two seem to have is quite special. Most 18-year olds would have jumped in bed by now, outed the other on social media, never 16 spoken to one another again and spent the rest of their lives feeling guilty. So, nurture what sounds like a good relationship that is developing. If she believes some deity wants her to abstain, you might have to respect that or try and persuade her to change her religion. I will accept bets on which one is easier to achieve. Your basic dilemma seems to be that your normal instincts are being hindered by ideology. Now, you can either be as serious a believer as she is and therefore abstain, or else you are likely not matching her requirements in terms of spirituality, so why would she think of spending her life with you one day? Maybe, she is just confused because you are so dashing and charming! My suggestion is to respect her ways, accept that no means no, yet always keep a condom handy in case she chooses to succumb to the temptation. Mr Money Tree CUT ABOVE THE REST Mr Money Tree, I worked hard to get a scholarship and am the first one from my family to enjoy my current level of education. It has been tough but I am now firmly in my second (academic!) year. My strongest subject has been physics, since early days, and I am involved with a bunch of really cool extracurricular programmes. This is where my problem started. I get plenty of invitations to some of my teachers’ homes and also to public restaurants close to some of our events when we have summer programmes or events like that. And every time I sit down at one of these fancy spots, I am stunned by the amount of cutlery, and I never know when to use what. Help me out man. Luka, Wits Dear Luka, It looks daunting, yet there is a simple method. You work your way from the outside in, each set of knife and fork with each next course. Of course, if you skip out on one course, for instance the fish, you pass up the fish knife and fork (they are the easiest to spot with their broad blade and neck). Make the waiter your friend, asking him or her to remove what you do not need. Dessert utensils sit atop your plate – a spoon and fork – and it’s worth looking at a YouTube video or two to see how best to use them together. More conspicuous, of course, are all the choices of glasses you will have in a similar setting. Big – red wine; medium – white wine; flute – bubbly. Tumblers will do for water and hard drinks, and it sounds to me like you might need a stiff shot so that you can relax and rather eat and talk physics next time. Mr Money Tree.