The Mobile Rundown Do Some Good in 2023 | Page 15

Team Up to Clean Up with Love Your Community
Story and Mission
Love Your Community ( LYC ) is an on-going anti-litter program sponsored by the Mobile County Commission in partnership with Keep Mobile Beautiful , Inc . It is designed to encourage citizen involvement in community clean-up and beautification . The program utilizes teams of citizens as active participants and may consist of one to any number of individuals who are interested in volunteering to help address the overwhelming litter problems within our community . Typically , teams are comprised of neighborhood association groups , schools , service organizations , environmental groups , individuals who walk for exercise regularly , etc .
Once teams are registered , Love Your Community will provide clean-up supplies to the teams that include safety vests , gloves , litter grabbers , and trash bags . Teams will then be responsible for monitoring and organizing litter pick-up and removal on an on-going basis at the selected location ( s ). Each team or individual can determine scheduling for clean-up activities based on the dates and times that are most convenient for them !
What makes this project different from anything else being offered in our community is that it is an incentive based project that rewards participants for their hard work with beautification and sustainability grants for small projects of their choosing . For example : a team of 5 , who works 50 hours ( that ’ s only 10 hours per person !), will earn a $ 500 grant towards a beautification project of their choice !
Visit www . loveyourcommunity . com for more information and to register a team today !
Sponsored By :
2023 Upcoming Events
Left : Evelyn DeAngelo LYC Project Coordinator
Contact Us
251-444-7144 www . loveyourcommunity . com 1150 Government Street , Suite 200 Mobile , AL 36604 Evelyn DeAngelo , Project Coordinator coordinator @ loveyourcommunity . com Facebook . com / loveyourcommunity1
QR Code To Register Your Team
Visit www . themobilerundown . com 15