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David responded to the current crisis by making Read Aloud available using a local TV station in Springfield. Here is the link.
Will put ad here
Sam, You might put JAson's FB post here if not enough room on Editors Expressions and label both FB as FB Opinions
Editor's Note: We would like to hear from YOU. How are you feeling? How are you coping?What are your successes?
We Did NOT Sign Up for This
a Facebook Post (Op Ed)
We did not sign up for this when we became teachers (or principals, or superintendents, or board members, or parents)! This is not how it was supposed to go. We teachers never ever wanted a job where we sit at a desk in front of a computer all day. Nothing against those jobs—it’s just not for us. We went into teaching knowing we could move around the room, sing, dance, and help individual students by looking over their shoulder.
This is HARD -- so much new technology and many new programs. My principal recently said “It’s like we are building the plane while flying it”, and she is so accurate. We are all learning as we go! Teaching through a computer from an empty classroom is sad and lonely and heartbreaking. But we know it is what needs to be done at this time. We are wearing masks and socially distancing and doing our part to flatten the curve so we can hopefully get our kids back in school. Many of us have children of our own at home who are trying to connect and learn virtually, and we are not there to help. Even the most seasoned veteran teachers feel like first year teachers again.
But you know what? We are doing it. We are showing up. We are starting early and staying late. We are watching more “how-to” videos than we ever thought possible. We are asking questions and sharing things with friends and strangers.
You know why? Because we are here for the KIDS. And we can’t leave them hanging! We won’t! THEY are the reason we do what we do. And they need us, now more than ever! So we are rising to the occasion. And now, many of us teachers are teaching both in-person and virtual students at the same time. Planning for both is NOT easy. Even something as simple as reading aloud a book to the students or singing a song is hard through a screen. We wish things could be back to “normal” and wonder if they will ever be. But for now, we are here. Each day is a NEW day with new challenges, new learning, and new successes.
Please--take a minute to thank a teacher. They didn’t ask for this or cause this situation. And teachers are trying their best to make things as good and as normal as possible for their students. They are going above and beyond to “be there” for each child. Please be grateful and patient. We are all in this together!️
By AMY SUTTER - Shared with Permission
Building Relationships
By Jason Campbell
When I wore this getup to school for tacky Christmas attire day, word spread pretty fast. A photographer was at my door by 8:30 for yearbook pictures. When she asked, "Don't you guys have the coolest teacher?" I almost gasped. You don't teach middle school for almost twenty years without learning that you should never, EVER ask a group of middle schoolers a question to which you don't want the answer. I've seen many a public speaker's presentations derailed by asking a group of middle school students a question and getting sarcastic responses. I braced for the sarcasm. I braced for the "no's." But they never came. A loud chorus of "yeahs" erupted from the class, and I breathed a sigh of relief. It's been a tough year -- tougher than I could have imagined. Most of what I know about good teaching has been thrown out the window. Most of my beliefs about being a good teacher revolve around building relationships. That's harder to do without handshakes and high fives. With fewer private conversations at a student's desk, I worried that I wasn't making the connections I needed to make. So even though their response was something small, it meant a lot to me in a tough year.
Jason Campbell teaches 5th grade English at Ruth Doyle Middle School in Conway, Arkansas. His two passions are helping kids become readers and cheering for the Kansas City Chiefs.
Teachers speak out:
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