You have made it this far in this challenging year and we hope this issue of The Missouri Reader gives you some encouragement and ideas. We appreciate all you have done as you have managed to educate your students with care and compassion.
This current issue of The Missouri Reader epitomizes what this journal is all about. It gives you nuts and bolts ideas to use as you continue your journey into using distance learning in literacy and using it in new ways. Find HOPE and ways to adjust to the changes brought about by the COVID pandemic as you enjoy articles that will encourage and support you during this unique and stressful time.
Although it is harder to build relationships when you are teaching virtually or at a social distance, know you are loved by your students and appreciated by those who see how hard you are working. We would love for you to share your experiences during this tough time with us. (SUBMISSION LINK)
Happy Reading,
Sam Bommarito and Glenda Nugent
Happy Reading and Writing!
Dr. Sam Bommarito and Glenda Nugent
Dr Sam Bommarito Glenda Nugent
Ways to Connect - Look for information about upcoming events, new book releases, and links to interesting literacy information
Please join Dr. Bommarito as he talks about articles in this issue on twitter! @doctorsam7 #MoRdr AND
on his blog
Visit our website
Editors' Expressions
Editors' Expressions
Glenda Nugent