The Missouri Reader WINTER ISSUE Vol. 44, Issue 1 | Page 18





Neha Anand and Bulent Dogan

2018 MO-STAR List

2018 MO-STAR List

Never Too Young for a STEM Summer Camp

Rebekah E. Piper

Laurie A. Sharp, Ed.D.

Roberta D. Raymond, Ed.D.

Mary Jo Fresch

Special STEM Section

What will schooling look like post-pandemic? The term “the new normal” is used a lot these days as a result of life changes brought about by the 2020 pandemic. Individuals as well as our national society have demonstrated flexibility and cooperation. The pandemic has given rise to remote learning which may increasingly become part of the “new normal” for teachers and students. Learning from the successes and mishaps of remote learning during the 2020 pandemic can be an asset to all teachers if we focus on the benefits of remote instruction and alleviate the detriments of it.


Collins, A., & Halverson, R. (2018). 2nd ed. Rethinking education in the age of technology: The digital revolution and schooling in America. Teachers College Press. NY.

Harvey, S., & Goudvis, A. (2017). Strategies that work: Teaching comprehension for understanding, engagement, and building knowledge grades K-8 (3rd ed). Stenhouse Publishers, Maine.

Herold, B. (2016, February 5). Technology in education: An Overview. Education Week. Retrieved June 20, 2020 from

International Literacy Association (2017). Literacy leadership brief: Overcoming the digital divide, four critical steps. ILA, Newark, DE.

Ishimaru, A. (May 11, 2020). The prospects for just schools in the wake of Covid-19 responses. Blog, Foundations of Education, Multicultural and Social Justice Education, Policy and

MacDonald, E. (2019). Technology meets literacy Opportunities in the midst of challenge. Pennsylvania Reads: Journal of the Keystone State Literacy Association. State College, PA.

Offir, B., Lev, Y., & Bezalel, R. (2008). Surface and deep learning processes in Distance education: Synchronous versus asynchronous systems. Computers & Education, 51, (3), 1172-1183

Rizga, L. (2020, April 13). What teachers need to make remote schooling work. The Atlantic. classrooms.ASCD. Alexandria, VA.

Vacca, R. T., Vacca, J. L. & Mraz, M. (2014). Content area reading: literacy and learning across the curriculum (11th ed.). New York: Allyn Bacon.

Children’s Literature Cited:

Kehret, Peg. (2007). The Ghost Grave. Penguin: Random House, NY.
