The Missouri Reader Vol. 43, Issue 2 | Page 43


Classroom Close Up

An Interview with Eric Litwin

conducted by

Young Fans of Eric

I started adding music and movement to engage children, then they started to read and comprehend


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were able to determine the effects that activity had on their heart rates.

● Auditory strategies. Students used the program “Mystery Science” to listen and follow an experiment to determine the effectiveness of bird beaks in different environments. One of the student’s mothers, a nurse, volunteered as a guest speaker. Students interacted with working models of the heart, and were able to hear the sound of a healthy and unhealthy heartbeat.

Motivational strategies. Students were able to connect with their classmates by

completing a class wide survey about what their favorite physical activities were to stay healthy. The class graph led to informative and engaging conversation about staying healthy

● Formative assessment results. The instructional tasks during this unit provided an opportunity to incorporate technology in a developmentally appropriate way. Students were able to take the information they learned and experienced from the guest speaker and apply it in their writing.


Table 1 illustrates the intervention schedule followed throughout this project.

Table 1 Intervention schedule.