The Missouri Reader Vol. 42, Issue 2 | Seite 47



Platform: iOS, Android, Chrome OS, Computer, Kindle Fire

Category: Education

Grades: Pre-K through 6th Grade

Cost: Free for Educators and Librarians, 30 Day Free Trial-$7.99/month for Parents

Rating: 4.8 Stars

Description: Epic! is a free digital library of e-books, audiobooks, educational videos, and quizzes for early childhood and elementary students, teachers, and families. Created and run by well-known members of the publishing industry, investors, and former teachers, Epic! opens up a world of literacy for a generation of students who are raised on technology. Although parents have to pay a monthly subscription after a free 30-day trial, students have free access to books if their school is registered with Epic! Teachers and librarians can sign up with Google Classroom or by verifying their schools through the Epic! app or website. Students can access Epic! at home or at school with their classroom code and complete reading assignments and challenges, or just read for fun. Epic! is a great resource for teachers to reach a variety of students with different learning needs, interests, and native languages. Epic! truly is an epic way for students to discover their passion of reading! Check it out for free!

Rachel Jefferson graduated from Missouri State University and is pursuing a Master's degree in Literacy. She currently teaches 3rd grade in Wentzville, Missouri.

Platform: Internet (can be accessed on any device with a web browser)

Category: Differentiated Instruction; Interactive Literacy Learning; Comprehension Development

Grades: K-12

Cost: Free!

Rating: 5 stars

Description: is a multiple award-winning non-profit site that is free for teachers and students! Based on up-to-date, high quality research from the National Reading Panel and RAND Reading Study Group, as well as with guidance from world-class academic advisors, focuses on all aspects of reading comprehension such as vocabulary, text structure, syntax, and the building of background knowledge. With a large library of non-fiction and literary articles, has something for every student. Each article has a print and audio version so the students can read it themselves or follow along while being read to. Some articles include StepReader, which is a less complex version of the article that still includes all of the important information, syntax, word count, and vocabulary of the original. Every article is also accompanied by a question set that is aligned to standards. Articles can be assigned to individual students or to the whole class and the students’ progress can be monitored. is a fantastic teaching tool for offering differentiated, diverse instruction and practice for students!

Rachel Pavelka graduated from Missouri State University and is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Literacy.

Storyline Online

Platform: iOS, Android, Chrome OS, Computer

Category: Teacher Apps and Interactive Literacy Learning

Grades: Pre-K through 5th Grade

Cost: Free

Rating: 5 Stars



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Our mission is to empower educators, inspire students, and encourage leaders with the resources they need to make literacy accessible for all.

We support literacy through a wide range of resources including advocacy efforts, volunteerism, and professional development activities.

The Missouri Literacy Association (MLA) is an affiliate of the International Literacy Association (ILA), one of the leading literacy organizations in the world. Members of MLA receive access to our digital peer-reviewed journal, The Missouri Reader and our MLA e-news all while supporting literacy across our state! Join us. We look forward to partnering with you!


About the International Literacy Association

The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a global advocacy and membership organization dedicated to advancing literacy for all through its network of more than 300,000 literacy educators, researchers and experts across 146 countries. With over 60 years of experience, ILA has set the standard for how literacy is defined, taught and evaluated. ILA’s Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals 2017 provides an evidence-based benchmark for the development and evaluation of literacy professional preparation programs. ILA collaborates with partners across the world to develop, gather and disseminate high-quality resources, best practices and cutting-edge research to empower educators, inspire students and inform policymakers. ILA publishes The Reading Teacher, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy and Reading Research Quarterly, which are peer reviewed and edited by leaders in the field. For more information, visit

Diana Houlle, MLA DIrector of Membership

Missouri Literacy Association membership is a smart

step toward supporting literacy for ALL.