The Missouri Reader Vol. 40, Issue 3 | Page 51


• Mystery Photos – Show students a projected image of a small segment of an image (e.g., a digital photograph) and facilitate a classroom discussion where students attempt to identify the image.

• Internet Inquiry Baskets – As students develop questions throughout the day, have them write these questions down on index cards and place them in a basket or save in an electronic format. At designated times, such as at the end of the school day or week, select one of the questions from the basket and conduct research on the Internet to locate the answer. This is an excellent way to model how to locate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate sources on the Internet.

• Wondering Notebooks and Inquiry Buddies – Similar to the Internet Inquiry Basket, have students log their questions and curiosities in their Wondering Notebook, which may be pencil and paper or electronic. At designated times, pair up students and have them exchange notebooks with their partner. Provide each pair with a computer or tablet to browse the Web so they may work cooperatively to explore each other’s wonderings.

In conclusion, “We [can] no longer think of literacy as an independent, isolated event. Instead, literacy events are shaped by the multiple contexts in which they are enacted” (Pearson & Stephen, 2004, p. 37). Students must be educated for the changing word to strengthen their literacy abilities and thought processes. The DEEPer literacy framework aids teachers in preparing the 21st-century learner by structuring activities to improve literacy skills through practice, active engagement and time spent immersed in the use of these abilities (Estes, 1978; Krashen, 1993).


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Laurie A. Sharp, Ed.D. is the Dr. John G. O’Brien Distinguished Chair in Education at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. Laurie teaches undergraduate and graduate courses, and she also works closely with area public school districts to identify best practices in education.

Jennifer Stegall, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education/Literacy Department at Missouri Southern State University. Her areas of interests include literacy instruction, teacher development and English Language Learning and Teaching.