Special Selection
Final Remarks
21st century literacies have become an important part of literacy instruction, and one way that teachers can address development of these literacies is through the use of 21st century multimodal texts. Lauren provided excellent insights as to how she uses 21st century multimodal texts at the elementary level, and she shared that many of her colleagues at the middle and high school levels in her school district use 21st century multimodal texts in similar ways.
During our interview, Lauren emphasized the importance of accessibility and support for professional development among teachers with respect to 21st century literacies. As literacy professionals, teachers must possess the requisite knowledge and skills associated with 21st century literacies, as well as how to integrate these literacies into instruction effectively. Likewise, Lauren pointed out that this instructional shift has also unveiled the need for teachers to adjust how students’ learning is assessed.
21st century multimodal texts are a phenomenal way to bridge traditional literacy practices with multiple modes of communication digitally. The multiple modes of a 21st century multimodal text empower students to extract a deeper level of understanding with the content being studied. Use of 21st century multimodal texts during instruction affords numerous benefits to both students and teachers. Moreover, use of 21st century multimodal texts demonstrates effective authentic use of 21st century literacies that has applicability to the world beyond the walls of the classroom.
I greatly admire Lauren’s desire to implement 21st century literacy practices during instruction, as well as her openness for continual learning. Lauren shared that using 21st century multimodal texts during instruction has taught her how to be better teacher. When I asked her for the best piece of advice she could offer to preservice teachers who were considering using 21st century multimodal texts in their future classrooms, she stated, “Do not be afraid of technology. Be willing to integrate the literacy practices that you already use in the real world with your students in your classroom. And, most importantly, actively seek ideas from your colleagues in order to continually innovate your instruction.”
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