The Missouri Reader Vol. 40, Issue 1 | Page 16


My students’ blog entries contained various combinations of text, visuals, and even audio recordings (see Figures 2 and 3). After my students posted their blog entries, they then read the blog entries of their peers and made comments that were positive and constructive. I also invited parents and our school principal to read and comment on my students’ blog entries.

What are benefits of using 21st century multimodal texts during instruction?

I feel one of the most significant benefits of using 21st century multimodal texts in the classroom involves the level of engagement inspired within students. 21st century multimodal texts are much more interactive and student-friendly than traditional texts and provide students with endless opportunities to experience literacy in a way that is authentic and relevant to them. Another benefit to using 21st century multiis the level of critical thinking that is inherent within them. For example, interpreting graphic elements requires knowledge of art techniques and the ability to analyze visual elements. Likewise, interpreting audio elements requires knowledge of melody and rhythm. The multiple modes of 21st century multimodal texts creates literacy experiences for students that are rich and full of meaning, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the content. As students use 21st century multimodal texts, their level of thinking increases. Students engage with higher order thinking skills, specifically the skills of synthesis and analysis, as they use multiple modes to modal texts during instruction construct meaning. 21st century multimodal texts also meet students’ diverse learning styles through the incorporation of visual, audio, and hands-on elements. Economically speaking, 21st century multimodal texts are much more cost effective for teachers, easier to access, and do not wear out like printed books. Printed books typically have to be