The Missouri Reader Vol. 39, Issue 1 | Page 18


Students who speak English as a second language increased at a significantly greater rate than students who speak English as their first language in all three categories, specifically letter sound production. Students who speak English as a second language increased 15% more than students who speak English as their first language in capital letter naming. Students who speak English as a second language increased 49% more than students who speak English as their first language in lowercase letter naming. Students who speak English as a second language increased 130% more than students who speak English as their first language in capital letter naming. These findings indicate that Question 3, “Will students who speak English as a second language have a greater, average, or lesser growth rate than students who speak English as a primary language when given KPALS instruction in addition to Tier 1 ELA core instruction?”, can be answered by stating that students who speak English as a second language increase at a significantly greater rate than students who speak English as a first language when given KPALS instruction in addition to Tier 1 ELA core instruction, specifically in the area of letter sound production.


Based on the findings above, it can be determined that KPALS is an effective program for helping preschool students to learn their letter names and letter sound production. These results are pleasing, as the effectiveness of the program has been proven to be productive in yet another setting and backs up previous research that has been done and discussed in the review of literature portion of this report (not shared here). It was especially pleasing to see how greatly KPALS impacted students with little to no exposure to letter names and sounds as well as students who are English Language Learners (ELL). Moving forward, I would suggest that KPALS continue to be used as a Tier 1 instruction piece, as this data shows students who receive it in addition to ELA classroom instruction progress at a quicker rate than those who do not. It would especially be useful in schools who have a heavy population of ELL students or students who have very little exposure to literacy before beginning school. I would also suggest that KPALS be used and considered for a Tier 2 intervention as well, as students who would qualify for Tier 2 services at the beginning of kindergarten (students with little to no exposure to letter names and sounds and ELL students) seem to be impacted greater than students who have had exposure to letter names and sounds and speak English as a first language.

MSC-IRA wishes to congratulate Kristi on winning the Research in Reading Award for this excellent display of scholarship. We also wish to thank Dr. Kindel Nash, Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy at the University of Missouri-Kansas City for nominating Kristi and submitting her work for consideration.

Please consider nominating a graduate student or colleague for this and other awards for 2015 by visiting the Awards section of the MSC-IRA website.


What's the Purpose of the Missouri State Council of the IRA?

We can't fulfill our purpose without YOU!

Are YOU doing YOUR part........

1. To improve the quality of reading instruction?

2. To develop an awareness of the impact of reading by encouraging and promoting lifelong reading?

3. To promote the development of literacy for all?

4. To encourage the organization of new councils?

5. To communicate and promote the purposes of the organization by attending conferences, being involved in local council activities, and submitting your writing for publication in The Missouri Reader?

6. To coordinate literacy development efforts with other organizations with similar goals?

7. To celebrate, recognize, and support various forms of literature?

We need everyone to do their part as we actively promote literacy development and activities across the state of Missouri. If you would like to get more information about how to be involved, please contact MSC-IRA Board President Diana Houlle at [email protected] or visit our website at . @@@@@@@@