Fabulous literacy teaching and research are happening all around our state, and we need to share it. Have you implemented a new teaching strategy? Are you integrating technology into your literacy instruction? Do you have some apps that you or your students use for literacy projects that you just have to share? Have you discovered an excellent example of children’s literature to use in your content area instruction? Are you conducting literacy research and would like to share your findings with others? YES?!?! Then submit your writing to The Missouri Reader! We would love to read what you have to share—and so would others! If interested, read on……
You are invited to submit your writing for consideration in upcoming issues of The Missouri Reader (TMR). Here at TMR, we are inviting ALL authors to let their voices be heard—from literacy researchers, veteran classroom teachers, beginning teachers, and graduate students alike.
Manuscripts will be accepted in the following categories:
All submissions not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere are welcome. Submissions may be sent electronically at any time. Manuscripts must be written in 12-point font, double-spaced, and follow APA (6th edition) formatting guidelines. Page limits for each category do not include reference pages. Clear, high-resolution digital images, high-quality videos, scanned examples of student work, and student-made digital projects are welcome to be included in your submission for inclusion in our newly redesigned interactive journal. If you are submitting pictures or videos of students or examples of student work, please include a completed Photo and Video Release Form with your submission.
When submitting your manuscript, please send it as a Microsoft Word document email attachment with TMR Submission in the subject line to [email protected]. For each submission, the author must also complete The Missouri Reader Submission Form, which includes the category of the submission and other pertinent details. For manuscripts in the Resourceful Research category, an area on the form to include an abstract (100 words or less) is included. Manuscripts submitted to The Missouri Reader are first reviewed internally by the co-editors. If it is determined that a manuscript fulfills the mission of the journal, it is then sent to peers for review. Criteria for evaluating manuscripts are: 1) relevance and applicability to Missouri educators; 2) clarity of writing; 3) blend of theory and practice; and 4) content – accurate, consistent, and well-reasoned.
Please email manuscripts and/or questions about The Missouri Reader to:
Dr. Julie Bryant, Co-Editor
The Missouri Reader
Subject line: TMR Submission
You have
a story!
Calling All EDUCATORS!
Resourceful Research – Scholarly articles and field research (5-10 pages)
Classroom Close-up – Glimpses into the results of strategy implementation
and literacy activities in the classroom (1-2 pages)
Content Contribution – Integrating literacy into content area instruction and other
areas such as music, art, PE, and special education (3-5 pages)
Tech Talk – Share ways to utilize technology to enhance literacy learning (2-4 pages)
Special Feature: All About Apps – Reviews of apps used for literacy-focused projects and activities; See All About Apps review criteria
Lit Look – Share how best to utilize literature in the classroom and beyond (2-4 pages)
Special Feature: Book Bundle – Reviews of children’s books and young adult literature; See Book Bundle review criteria
Collaboration Collection – Ways to collaborate with families and community members to take literacy learning beyond the classroom (1-3 pages)
Invaluable Invitation – Special section for invited Missouri authors and illustrators to share insights with our readers (1-3 pages)
Other – If a submission does not fit into one of the above categories, it can still be accepted for review, contingent upon its relevance to our readership.