The Missouri Reader Vol. 38, Issue 2 | Page 46

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What's the Purpose of the Missouri State Council of the IRA?

We can't fulfill our purpose without YOU!

Are YOU doing YOUR part........

1. To improve the quality of reading instruc-

tion at all levels---including promoting

research and encouraging ongoing

development of both pre-service and in-

service teachers?

2. To develop an awareness of the impact of

reading by encouraging and promoting lifelong reading?

3. To promote the development of literacy for all per-sons to a level that is commensurate with their capacity?

4. To encourage the organization of new councils in areas not now adequately served by the International Reading Association?

5. To communicate and promote the purposes of the organization by attending the conferences we co-sponsor (MO Early Learning Conference and Write to Learn), becoming a member of and being involved in local council activities, and submitting your writing for publication in The Missouri Reader?

6. To coordinate literacy development efforts with other organizations with similar goals?

7. To celebrate, recognize, and support various forms of literature by participating in Missouri state book awards, sharing book recommendations at meetings, and promoting great books wherever you are?

We need everyone to do their part as we actively

promote literacy development and activities

across the state of Missouri. If you would like to

get more information about how to be involved,

please contact MSC-IRA Board President Diana

Houlle at [email protected] or visit our

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