For many years, the Missouri State Council of the IRA has honored creative students from all over the state by sponsoring an annual reading poster contest. Each year, members of the council vote on the best entries submitted, and prizes are awarded in each of four categories: K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th. Over the years the contest judging has been held during the Missouri State Council Leadership Meeting in June. However, in order for students to be recognized during the school year, the poster contest entry deadline will be January 16, 2015 with judging occurring in late February at the Write to Learn Conference in Osage Beach.
Teachers, if you are a member of MSC-IRA and want to get your students involved, simply
click on the Poster Contest Entry Form, and print it off for your students. To be eligible, all
entries must have a parent’s signature on this official form attached to the back of the 8 ½ x 11 entry. Submit all entries to the local council by November 1st. Judging will occur at this
level, and the top 3 entries in each category will be forwarded to the Poster Committee
Chairperson by January 16th to be judged at the state level. Once the posters have been
judged, the teachers of the winning artists will be contacted. Winners receive an award
certificate and a spotlight in the next issue of The Missouri Reader. In addition, each first place
winner will receive a $25.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Certificate, and the teacher with the most
finalists in the contest will also receive a $25.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Certificate and 25 FREE
Books for his/her classroom!
The 2013-14 theme was Technology and Literacy, and
the overall winner, Keeferly Antao, an 8th grader from
LaDue Middle School in St. Louis, is featured in this issue
of TMR. Several submissions were received, but not
nearly as many as in the past. We want to revive this
competition, so we are putting a call out to all educators
to help encourage students to create an entry. This
year’s theme will coordinate with the International
Reading Association’s theme “Transforming Lives
Through Literacy.” So, teachers, as you kick off the
school year, consider all the ways that literacy trans-
forms our lives. Share those ideas with your brilliant
students, and encourage them to get drawing! All other
contest guidelines can be found at this link.
Teachers who mail entries with a self-addressed,
stamped envelope will have entries returned so they
can be given back to local schools to celebrate the
winners before the end of the 2014-15 school year.
Please direct all questions or concerns about the poster
contest to Julie Bryant, Poster Committee Chairperson at
[email protected]. We look forward to seeing all of the entries soon!
Note: In order for the teacher to win the prize you must be a member of MSC-IRA.
Reading Poster
Contest Revived
2014 Overall Winner from Ladue Middle School - Keeferly Antao