The Missouri Reader Vol. 37, Issue 2 | Page 70

Johnston, P. & Costello, P. (2005). Principles for literacy assessment. Reading Research Quarterly. 40 (2), 256-267. Johnston, P. H. & Rogers, R. (2001). Early literacy assessment. In S.B. Neuman & D.K. Dickenson (Eds) Handbook of Early Literacy Research. (pp. 377-389). New York: Guildford. Mercer, N. (2000). Words and minds: How we use language to think together. London: Routledge. Street, B. (2003). What’s “new” in New Literacy Studies? Critical approaches to literacy in theory and practice. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 5 (2), 7791. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978) Mind in society: The development of higher psychological process. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. The primary purposes of the Missouri State Council are: 1. To improve the quality of reading instruction at all levels by:  encouraging the study of the nature of the reading process;  stimulating and promoting research dealing with all aspects of reading;  acting as a clearinghouse for information relating to reading; and  encouraging the development of high quality teacher education programs, both pre-service and in-service. 2. To develop an awareness of the impact of reading by  encouraging the development of worthwhile reading tasks and permanent interests in reading;  promoting the formation of lifetime habits of reading; and  developing an appreciation of the value of reading in a democratic society. 3. To promote the development of literacy for all persons to a level this is commensurate with their capacity. 4. To encourage the organization of new councils in areas not now adequately served by the International Reading Association. 5. To communicate and promote the purposes of the organization through  a reading conference, supported by the various local councils, the location and time of which shall be decided by the Board; and  A State journal and other materials which may be printed at the discretion of the Board. 6. To support the efforts and activities of local councils in Missouri. 7. To coordinate literacy development efforts with other organizations with similar goals. 8. To celebrate, recognize, and support various forms of literature by:  participating in Missouri state book awards;  sharing book recommendations at local council meetings, board meetings, and leadership retreats;  focusing efforts to encourage reading aloud in homes and at school; and  assisting public and private schools in literacy development and the use of literature. ©The Missouri Reader, 37 (2) p.70