The Missouri Reader Vol. 37, Issue 2 | Page 40
will more accurately be able to identify the
adjective that modifies the noun.
Similarly, the placement of an adverb has
an impact on its scope and the meaning of the
sentence. Additionally, its placement in the
sentence can render a sentence grammatically
correct or not. For example, depending on
where the word tomorrow falls in the following
sentences, it changes the meaning: “Tomorrow,
I will tell María we will go” versus “I will tell
María we will go tomorrow.” Because of the
importance of the adverb placement in the FL,
adverb placement awareness is heightened in
the students’ first language understanding.
Another aspect measured under usage and
mechanics is sentence structure. Items test
students’ understanding of the “relationship
among clauses, placement of modifiers, and
shifts in construction” (ACT, 2011b, p. 7). The
following example, taken from the ACT official
site, measures placement of modifiers (the best
answer is d).
Passage excerpt:
Many years later, living in an upstairs apartment, I am more often sorry I didn’t follow my father
out to the garden. I have several indoor plants, but the experience is not the same.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
a. where it is now.
b. after the word sorry.
c. after the word follow.
d. after the word garden (ending the sentence with
a period).
In studying a foreign language, the same
grammatical errors can be made. However, as
students study the structure of a new language,
they start paying attention to how their own
language is structured and make adjustments in
their overall understanding on the placement of
clauses and modifiers.
Understanding of rhetorical skills.
The rhetorical skills area (47% of the entire
English test) evaluates students’ knowledge
about developing a topic. The questions in this
area belong in three categories: strategy (16%),
organization (15%), and style (16%) (APA,
The questions related to strategy seek to
test whether students know what expressions
are appropriate depending on the audience, the
relevance of the material, and the effect of
deleting or adding material to the text. The
following excerpt is taken from the English and
Reading Workout for the ACT (2011) (the best
option is a).
Passage Excerpt:
Strauss, a veteran bridge builder, refused to give up. Construction began in 1933 and lasted a bit
more than four years. On May 28, 1937, the bridge, arching grandly over the water, opened to
pedestrians. More than 200,000 people walked across the bridge that day to celebrate the grand
b. an achievement that was extremely impressive because it symbolized a significant victory over
difficult circumstances.
c. the successful completion of a project that was amazing both because of the obstacles that had
been overcome and because of the magnitude of the product that was the result of the project.
d. DELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period.
©The Missouri Reader, 37 (2) p.40