The Missouri Reader Vol. 37, Issue 2 | Page 13

Figure 4. Writing strategies used by ESOL teachers. Literature responses journals Writing workshops Dialogue journals 70% Peer editing groups 61% 60% Response groups 60% 50% Directed Reading-Thinking subject area journals Languages Experience Approach (LEA) stories Writing a memoir 48% 42% 40% 36% 32% 30% 20% 29% 19% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 10% Digital storytelling scripts Buddy journals Author's chair Developing scripts for readers' theater Classroom/school newspaper Classroom/school webpage 0% For oral language development, brainstorming (94%) was selected by nearly all of the teachers, followed by discussions of shared experiences (88%), oral games (79%), storytelling (75%), and structured dialogues (74%). See Figure 5. IRA 59th ANNUAL CONVENTION: Reading…The Teachable Moment 2014 Featured Speakers Richard Allington No-nonsense researcher and celebrated scholar Gail Boushey & Joan Moser (The 2 Sisters) Passionate duo behind the Daily 5 and the Daily CAFE Timothy Rasinski Honored and widely published professor of literacy education Doug Buehl Engaging author of Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning Jana Echevarria & MaryEllen Vogt Groundbreaking co-developers (with Deborah Short) of the SIOP Model of Instruction Phyllis C. Hunter Distinguished research-based reading consultant Michelle Kelley & Nicki Clausen-Grace Solutions-oriented staff developers & co-authors of Comprehension Shouldn’t Be Silent Jennifer Altieri Spirited author of Powerful Content Connections: Nurturing Readers, Writers, and Thinkers in Grades K-3 ©The Missouri Reader, 37 (2) p.13 For more information go to