The Missouri Reader Vol. 33, Issue 2 | страница 6

Contents Editor’s Comments………………………………………………………………………………............7 Kathryn Pole Assistant Editor’s Comments……………………………………………………………….………….8 Keisha Panagos The Intersection of Literacy & Technology The Impact of Vocabulary Strategies on Science Lessons in Third Grade……….…9 David Brown Improving Writing Instruction: 10 Activities to Enhance Teacher’s Effectiveness at Teaching Writing….………………………………………….……….…….…….17 Carolyn L. Carlson, Donita Massengill Shaw, & Cindy E. Heider How We Dove into the Online Ocean: Using Blogs in an English Classroom…….25 Keri Franklin & Barb James Effectiveness of a web-enhanced young adult literature class using online tools and eight-week face-to-face contact with students………………………………..31 Dianne Koehnecke Teaching Reading Strategies to Secondary School Students…………………………….35 Judith L Miesner From the Page to the Screen: Literacy in the 21st Century………………………………43 Keisha Panagos & Jennifer Stutzman Generating Interest and Engagement in Adolescent Readers………………………….49 Kathleen B. Scales, Kelli M. Akers, Lisa M. Stout Bridging the Gap: Second Life and the Online Learner………………………………….…57 David M. Taylor Poetry & Humor Techno Teacher………………………………………………………………………………………………60 Tammy Clardy 6