The Missouri Reader
The Missouri Reader is a peer-reviewed journal published twice per year by the
Missouri State Council of the International Reading Association as a forum for
thoughtful consideration of issues, practices, research, and ideas in the field of
literacy. Its purpose is to serve teachers, parents, consultants, supervisors,
administrators, college/university faculty, and others interested in promoting literacy.
Writing for The Missouri Reader
You are invited to submit your writing for consideration in upcoming issues of
The Missouri Reader. Articles, book reviews, and both student and teacher original
poetry not published or under consideration for publication elsewhere are welcome.
Submissions may be sent electronically at any time. When submitting your manuscript,
please send it as a Rich Text Format (RTF) or as a Microsoft Word e-mail attachment.
Manuscripts must be submitted in a 12-point font, double-spaced, page numbered,
and follow APA (6th edition) formatting. Clear photographs sent as electronic files are
welcome. Strongest consideration will be given to materials related to the theme of a
particular issue or one of the regular Departments of the journal. Your manuscript
should include a front page with your name, position/occupation and affiliation, as
well as your business and home addresses, phone numbers, email address, and a short
(50 words or less) biography. Please indicate the theme or department for which your
contribution is most appropriate.
The Review Process
Manuscripts submitted to The Missouri Reader are first reviewed internally by
the editor. If it is determined that a manuscript fulfills the mission of MR, it is sent to
at least two peers for review. Criterion for evaluating manuscripts are: 1) interest to
readers; 2) clarity of writing; 3) content-fresh, accurate, consistent, well-reasoned; and
4) blend of theory and practice.
Articles are the expression of the writers, and do not necessarily reflect the
beliefs of the International Reading Association, the Missouri State Council, or The
Missouri Reader editor or editorial advisory board.