The Mind Creative FEB 2014
The newspapers went berserk with
reports and innuendoes and the
air was rife with rumours. While
some suspected foul play, others
presumed that Christie had a bout
of amnesia. Also, there were
others who were confident that it
was all a publicity stunt.
However, on December 14th,
she was found at the Harrogate
Hydropathic Hotel in Yorkshire
and had apparently gone
directly there, from her home.
She had checked into the hotel
under the name of Theresa
Neele (the same last name as
Apparently, several of the
guests had recognized her, but
she had denied her identity The
police and her husband were
notified. When her husband
arrived, it is said that she
greeted him as her brother.
Christie later claimed that she was suffering from amnesia while
her husband declared to the press that his wife was coping with
memory loss as a result of her mother's death. Despite two doctors
examining her and agreeing with this prognosis, the public largely
remained sceptical. There was an expectation that she would reveal
the truth in her autobiography but when it was published after her
death, there was no mention of this strange matter in the book.