The Mind Creative SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 42

The Mind Creative FEB 2014 We cruise slowly into the northern shore of the Ross Sea in Antarctica, aboard the expedition ship, M/V Orion. Mount Erebus is our beacon, leading the way towards Ross Island. The mountain is one of three active volcanoes on this island. Steam rises from the crater as fluffy as a flurried plume, giving the 3795 meters high mountain a supreme and confident appearance. Ross Island is the southernmost goal of our exploration. It is the location from which Captain Robert Falcon Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton led expeditions in efforts to reach the South Geographical Pole. Today is bright and sunny. All 106 passengers are out on deck early this morning to witness the vision of dark blue sea, against the Admiralty Mountains, which are starboard, throwing off whites, purples and greys. They are enticing, mysterious and touched only by nature’s clever palette of colours. Our ship edges its way into the bay at Cape Royds at 6.00 am. The anchor drops with a loud clatter, and efficient sailors prepare the Zodiacs for our disembarkation. 43