The Mind Creative SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 30

The Mind Creative FEB 2014 Reading can be a wonderful pastime; in fact, it can be a passion or even a penchant. All of us, at some time or other, have spent a fair amount of money buying books or have enrolled in a library in order to gain access to a huge array of books at a very low cost. In this day and age, reading books has become even more affordable with the advent of the internet in the fast growing world of digital media. However, there are those whose passions goes well beyond just reading books. Their excitement lies in collecting rare books; and rare books come at a cost - a very high cost at times. The whole process of collecting books entails seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloguing, displaying, storing, and maintaining books. In fact , there is a special word that describes love of books and the word is bibliophilia, and someone who loves to read, admire, and collect books is often referred to as a bibliophile. It probably all started with the collections of illuminated manuscripts, both commissioned and second-hand, by the elites of Burgundy and France in particular, which became common in the 15th century. Duke Philip the Duke of Burgundy appears to have had the largest private collection of his day, with about six hundred volumes. Book collecting received a particular impetus in England and elsewhere during the Reformation when many monastic libraries were broken up, and their contents often destroyed. Here’s a look at some of the rarest and most expensive books in the world. 30