The Mind Creative SEPTEMBER 2014 | Page 26

The Mind Creative FEB 2014 United States of America. The day began like any other. Nothing was out of the ordinary. A young girl was sitting by herself in the lobby, inside one of the most prestigious buildings in New York City, waiting for her father. Her name was Lucy Grey. Mr. Grey had been working for a while now, and his teenage daughter did not have much to do but watch the adults work and walk by as she sat alone, tapping away on her phone, texting seven of her friends all at the same time. She was extremely bored. A 17-year old won’t really enjoy here but her dad told her to wait, and Lucy was an obedient child. But still, she needs some fun. Impatient child that she was, she checked her watch for the umpteenth time. Eight in the morning. “Great,” she muttered under her breath. What the hell am I supposed to do? she thought. She didn’t receive the answer to her query until ten minutes later. A brooding boy of nineteen was making his way to the bench next to her. Lucy immediately became conscious of herself and sat much straighter, although she didn’t really think that the boy was intentionally seeking out her company. The bench next to her was the only empty seat, after all. She pretended to be busy with texting as the guy sat to her left, bringing out his poison-green headphones. He didn’t say anything at all, didn’t even glance at her with his electric-blue eyes to meet her chocolate browns or said good morning. Lucy brushed her waist-long brown hair with disappointment. She came to the conclusion that she was wasting her time with him and paid him no attention of her own. She just found him cute and she thought that it was a shame that he did not have much of people skills. 26