The Mind Creative SEP 2013
“Not all those who wander are lost” - J.R.R. Tolkien It’s been one month since my husband and I started to wander the streets of America. We’re currently sitting in a student cafe in Queens, New York (drinking a locally brewed vanilla and cinnamon pour-over coffee) reminiscing about the journey so far - and I have to say, it’s been great. My version of “happy travels”, though, may not resonate universally as it is quite a relative concept; relative to expectations, personality types and past experiences. A good travel experience to one person may be a nightmare for another. You’ll more likely find me drinking coffee at an artsy cafe or listening to spanish guitar in an underground bar. However, most people would make a bee-line towards the famous monuments and museums (only to wait in line for two hours and then subsequently be squashed inside with hundreds of other tourists).