The Mind Creative SEP 2013
TMC: Many of your poems have descriptions and properties of colours embedded in their central themes. Is there a more profound or esoteric reason behind this? BHUPEN: I suppose colours are a certain kind of communication. Also the Hindu “chakra” system intrigued me so I studied this a bit. By using colour perhaps I am touching my own chakras or helping the reader touch their own. When I do this I feel my writing gets a depth. As you know, generally speaking, there are just 7 standard plots used to tell stories. I feel my use of colour perhaps touches that other world beyond the plots. This interests me. Many “havelis” around the world use colour as part of worship and it is a form of therapy for the worshipper. I guess that conversation is what I am trying to reach. Yellow improves. TMC: I am aware that your readership is not restricted to people from the sub-continent. You have exposed your works to the broader Australian reader. Do you have any perceptions about Australian readers that might be different from readers, say, from Indian backgrounds? BHUPEN: As you may know I am not fluent in any of the Indian languages. I express myself best in English. I however find that the inclusion of colour in my literary conversation gives it an Indian voice somehow. The Anglo Saxon audiences find this appealing as many are so interested in India. As to Indian audiences I feel that my voice reaches them too as many are not truly in touch with the essence of our culture. My use of colour perhaps evokes this touch. In some sense I try to reach a certain beauty. And beauty as you know is a universal language. Green love , Green Courage. TMC: Are you involved with any local literary organisations? In what way are these organisations helpful to a writer or poet?