The Mind Creative OCTOBER 2013 | Page 21

The Mind Creative OCT 2013 Misconceptions about Yoga Yoga is often misinterpreted as a set of physical postures (aasanas), a Hindu religious practice or something that is used to induce flexibility or attractive physical shape. Although these statements are not completely false, they only describe a tiny fragment of this great science of well-being. Business ventures have made Yoga a billion dollar industry and this commercialisation is partly to be blamed for uninitiated teachers imparting substandard knowledge to students. Many Yoga styles (like Bikram Yoga, Power Yoga and even Yogaletes) have surfaced in recent years. These “styles” have only added to the confusion within the masses by diluting the first and second limbs of Yoga - Yamas (ethical standards) and Niyamas (self-discipline). The attainments of flexibility, physical strength or weight loss in Yoga are only the sideeffects of true and authentic Yoga practice. 21