The Mind Creative OCT 2013
From time in memorial, there has existed a set of procedures, that
allows us to develop physical strength, flexibility, will power and
clarity of mind. This amazing discipline, that has proven its
effectiveness for over 5000 years through trials and experiments is
known to most of us as Yoga.
History and the philosophy of Yoga
The word Yoga means “to join or to unite”
and the roots of this word can be traced
back to the Sanskrit word “Yuj”. The
philosophy behind this science is to unite
the soul (“Jeev Atmaan”) of an individual to
the supreme soul (“Parmatamaan”) and this
unique technique of self-realisation has
been passed on to us by ancient spiritual
sages (Rishis) of India.
In fact, Yoga has been traced back to 5000
years by archaeologists, based on findings in
the ruins of the Indus Valley civilization. The
earliest documentation goes back to around
2nd century B.C., when the sage Patanjali
wrote the Yoga “sutras” that formulated the
eight limbs of yoga: Yamas, Niyamas,
Asanaa, Praanayama, Pratyahara, Dharana,
Dhyana and Samaadhi.