The Mind Creative March 2014
Not only that the authenticity has to be addressed, but the sheer
amount of time and effort involved in making the costumes (made
to measure), the lances and whatever else the production demands
is monstrous.
Many times in lavish productions the crew has a very important role
to play. In the famous scene in Phantom of the Opera, when the
chandelier comes crashing on the stage, there are actually three
stage hands in costume, ‘guiding’ the 500 pound chandelier to the
stage. When it comes down heaving and swaying, it needs special
attention so that it does not crash into smithereens. And yet many
of the strings snap, and someone needs to painstakingly string them
back on.
I had mentioned that sometimes the job of the crew is dangerous.
In a production of Spider Man (cost $65 million) the performer