The Mind Creative JANUARY 2015 | Page 9

Since then many artists have used this technique in their works. In the 1930s, Diego Rivera included a radiograph of a skull in his "Man at the Crossroads" mural. Wim Delvoye, a Belgian artist, created Gothic stained-glass windows featuring x-ray images of different body parts for the series "9 Muses." Diane Covert created collages of CT and x-ray scans of damaged body parts as part of her "Inside Terrorism" exhibit. Some artists (like Man Ray and László Moholy-Nagy) have also created "negative" images similar to radiographs using various techniques. while others such as Andy Warhol, Yves Klein, Albert Koetsier, Leslie Wright, and Steven Meyers created a colour-negative effect in drawings, paintings, or other works. A Hong Kong based radiologist Dr. Kai-Hung Fung, at the Pamela Youde Nethersole Easter hospital maps various organs using 3D computed tomography (CT) scans. After feeding the data into a computer, he then adds colour using his own methodology that he chooses to call “rainbow technique”. "Network" by Dr. Kai-Hung Fung (© Kai-Hung Fung [Hong Kong] 2012) 9